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November, 2004

There is NO information about DaMath here on this website. It's just a weird internet thing that resulted in your coming to look for that info here. I have never played DaMath, and I'm not particularly fond of mathematical games. But for reasons unknown, this site has become a frequently visited site by those trying to find info about DaMath.

Click the following links to get information about DaMath.

How to Play Whole Number DaMath:

History of DaMath:

To find more info about DaMath:  
When you search DaMath sites on Google (or on any other search site), just ignore the links to - I do not know why so many people ask ME about this math game, and I suppose the only reason my board shows up so high on Google is because many people HAVE asked me about this game - and maybe because my site is in the U.S. - but note that DaMath originated in the Philippines.

Got a question about this FAQ? DO NOT ASK ME. I DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT DAMATH. And I'm not really sure how it happened that the search engines thought I did. I used to think someone was just playing a prank on me. If so, it worked. Whatever the reason, it doesn't matter - it's an FAQ now, so let's move on.

Got a question about the game biz, or about game design or producing? Click here to go to the bulletin board. You'll get answers about the game biz - or about game design - just not about DaMath!

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© 2004 Tom Sloper. All rights reserved. May not be re-published without written permission of the author.