Frequently Asked Question 56:
Originally written: October, 2005. Last update: January, 2016.
I design and produce video games, but I don't program them. I'm not a programmer, but people ask me this question a lot. So I'll give it my best shot. I get a range of questions, everything from "how do I make my own Playstation game" to "what game dev tools should I get to make my own MMORPG" to "what's the best game to mod" to "what the heck is modding?" I might not be able to answer all those, but maybe you'll find some useful general concepts and specific links here.
Some general concepts are important. You won't believe these statements right away (most new aspiring programmers don't), but in time you'll come to see the truth (probably after you learn them the hard way). Just trying to save you some grief.
Here are some very important links:
(Just to name a few.)
And try your own search strings too. (Note that using the quote marks around "level design" is important - it tells Google to search for that exact word string.)
And check my FAQ 60 for other self-publishing options. Making the game is the easy part. Once you've made the game, getting the game out there is a whole nother challenge!
4. But That Stuff is All for PC. How Do I Make My Own Game For Playstation or Xbox or Nintendo, etc.)?
You can't. Well, maybe I exaggerated a little when I said "you can't." You can... if you go through the following steps:
1. Get a programming degree. In your spare time, work on your own stuff, make mods and a demo on the computer.
Just four steps! That's not so bad. But of course, the consoles and the companies will be different by the time you get to this point - we don't yet know what consoles will be current by the time you finish the four steps and are ready to create your own console game. Don't worry about it. You will just adapt to new technology as it comes along (like everybody else).
Q. That Sucks! So What Am I Supposed To Do???
Program your game on the computer instead.
Q. But I Don't Wanna!
You love your console. I understand that. But really, you can make a computer do just about everything your favorite console will do - at least, close enough so you can impress your family, friends, and enemies. Well, maybe not your enemies. They hate you, and no game that you program will change that.
Q. How Do I Program A Game On My Computer?
How should I know? I'm not a programmer. Get some software. Learn how to use it.
Q. What Software Should I Get?
(By the way, why didn't you just start with this - why'd you make me read all your lousy humor before you finally told me what I really wanted, regardless of how I erroneously worded my original question? You curmudgeon.)
It doesn't matter. Get any software. A lot of guys go online and ask this, then they get 30 different answers, and they don't know which one of those 30 programs is the best one for them. You might have a computer game right now that includes mod tools. Or you can go online and do a Google search and find several free programs available for instant download. Why not just download them and play around with them! You can waste a couple weeks asking people in chat rooms which program is best for you - or you can spend a few days trying different free downloads. Which of those approaches really sounds better?
Q. What The Heck Do You Mean, "It Doesn't Matter" Which Software?? How Can You Say That?
Talk to 30 different game programmers. They all started learning with different tools. Yet they all became game programmers! ... Think about it.
Q. I Understand You're Not A Programmer. But If You Were Going To Learn How To Program A Game, Where Would You Begin?
I might learn Flash, or I might start with a mod. Or I might try Unity.
Q. But Flash Is For Simple Online Games, And What The Heck Is A Mod?
That's an observation and a question. I'll respond to both, in order.
Q. But I Don't Want To Make Levels - I Want To Make My Dream Game!
Typical. You want to do it all, you want to do it right now, and you didn't want to hear this realistic reply. Look, you have a lot to learn (unless you are already fully expert in C++ and DirectX, which if you're reading this you aren't). You'll learn a lot by making mods - you gotta start somewhere, right? You can supplement that with classes in C++ and DirectX. It's going to take time, but modding will get you there in less time than some other ways. But you still need to study programming.
Q. I Tried What You Said - I Tried Modding, But It Was Way Over My Head
Well, then why didn't you just skip down to here instead of making me write the answers above?? (^_^) Just kidding. Mod tools are probably over my head too (I haven't even looked at them). Some lower-level beginner programs do exist - programs that let you make simple games without writing any actual code. To do more, you need to learn the basics of programming. I also hear that there are a couple of programs that teach programming basics and let you learn a little about making games at the same time. I've never looked at those either, but check out blitzbasic, Game Maker, and Project Fun. They're listed in the links section, below.
Q. Well, Thanks For Nothing!
A: I think what I said was very informative and worthwhile. So there, young Jedi.
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© 2005, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016 Tom Sloper. All rights reserved. May not be re-published without written permission of the author.
How Do I Make My Own Video Game?
What Should I Learn First?
Where To Start?
2. Get a job with a game company. They probably won't give you a job without a degree (and a really solid demo disc).
3. After several years' experience programming games for a game company, quit your job and start your own company. (You won't be ready to start your own game company until you've had several years' experience in the industry - see FAQ 29.)
4. Contact the manufacturer of the game console you're interested in and become a licensed developer. Shell out the money (tens of thousands of dollars, probably) to get the SDK and the development hardware. They won't license you as a developer and sell you the SDK until you've started your own company and have several years' experience in the biz.
Maybe simple online games aren't your thing, but you asked me a hypothetical about what I would do. And I'm not you! As for modding...
Mod tools are tools provided by the creators of a computer game so fans can make their own levels. Not all computer games come with mod tools, but quite a number of them do. I read a thread recently on either the IGDA n00bs forum or the newsgroup where a n00b was asking how to start programming his own stuff. People advised him to make mods, and they mentioned a game that came with mod tools. The n00b says, "Aargh! I had that game, and just sold it the other day!"
Just go do an online search for "mod tools" - you'll get a whole list of games that include mod tools, along with links to follow to learn about using them. And see Resources, above.
Note: since this article was written, I've seen how quickly my university students pick up Unity, and if I was going to learn how to make my own game, I might go with Unity.