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Sources for these FAQs: In these FAQs, after each answer given, I offer references for further clarification if needed. It's strongly recommended that every table have the official rulebook handy, to deal with those odd situations that sometimes arise.
NMJL = National Mah Jongg League. Where I refer to a page number, that's a page number in the official NMJL rulebook, Mah Jongg Made Easy. (Note: some higher page numbers may have changed with the 2018 revision of Mah Jongg Made Easy by the NMJL.) Where I refer to a year instead of a page number, that's a yearly newsletter or bulletin. Each January, the NMJL sends a newsletter to the members whose addresses are on record with the League (which is why I always recommend you buy your card directly from the League). And some rules are stated on the "back of the card" - you do have the latest NMJL card, don't you? Click the underlined NMJL link to buy the rulebook or the card directly from the League.
RDWW = my book, The Red Dragon & The West Wind. Click to learn more about the book.
Find your answer by looking for it listed in your question's
(is your question about jokers? Is it about claiming a discard? ...).
If you don't find the answer to your American mah-jongg question here, visit the Q&A bulletin board and email me your question.
Q: When is a tile down?
Q: Can I change my mind after my discard is down?
See FAQ 19AM for more "change of heart" rules, and see FAQ 9 for the Tom Sloper philosophy of how errors should be handled.
Q: When is it too late to claim a discard?
Q: Can I claim any discard?
A1: A discard may only be taken to make a PUNG, KONG, QUINT, or SEXTET - or, of course, to make mah-jongg. Since the rule was introduced in 1984, a discard may not be taken to expose a pair, or a grouping consisting of singles and/or pairs such as NEWS (4 singles) or 202x (a pair and 2 singles), before the hand is complete in every other way. You may not claim a discard to expose a grouping of non-identical tiles (e.g. NEWS or 202x) except when that single gives you mah-jongg.
"An exposure is three of a kind (Pung), four of a kind (Kong), five of a kind (Quint) or six of a kind (Sextet)."
Since most players hate to read and don't ever want to buy the rulebook, this information is also given (if somewhat tersely) on the back of the card.
It says a pair is 2 "like" tiles. Then the card says "Pung-3; Kong-4; Quint-5; Sextet-6." Because there is a ton of information that needs to be on the card back, the word "like" was not repeated 4 times. Only because space is so limited on the card. The word "like" is implied in each case. Implicit because there wasn't enough room to be explicit.
A2: As it says on the back of the NMJL card, the only groupings in which jokers may be used are: PUNGS, KONGS, QUINTS, and SEXTETS. Let's define those terms just to make sure this point is perfectly clear:
A "NEWS" is, therefore, not a kong (it's four singles). And a "202x" is likewise not a kong (it's not four identical tiles).
New, 2022: it says on the front of the card, "JOKERS MAY NOT BE USED IN A 2022 GROUPING."
When you see dissimilar tile symbols bunched together on the card without space between them, that does NOT mean those dissimilar tiles are an exposable set or that jokers may be used in that bunch. You can use a joker in any "bunch" of three or more similar ("like") tiles. You can expose any "bunch" of three or more similar tiles by means of a discarded tile, provided that the hand is not marked C for Concealed.
For further reading:
Q: Can I use a joker in an S&P hand?
Questions about jokers!
A1: Once a joker is discarded, it is DEAD. "Down is dead." Nobody can claim it and use it. Period. End of story. This is why the safest discard in the deck is the joker, and this is why it's common for jokers to be discarded at the end (when people are "dogging" in order to be safe).
A2: Once a redeemable tile has been discarded, it can only be taken to create a new set for exposure or mah-jongg.
It is NOT permitted to take the tile in order to redeem it for a joker.
When a joker or a redeemable tile has been discarded, the usual response is to tear out your hair and scream to the heavens, "Oh! I wanted that!" Because the players who've witnessed someone discarding a joker (or a redeemable tile) have zero other options. Zilch. Zip. Nada. A3: When discarding a joker, many people say "same." Some say "joker", and some say the name of the previously discarded tile. All three are legal practices, although in the 1980s, the League recommended that players not say "same," but rather the name of the previous discard.
It's encouraged to say the name of the previous discard when discarding a joker because the practice encourages other players to keep their eyes open, not only their ears.
And there is a strategic reason for not just saying "joker" when discarding a joker. An opponent who is foolishly only listening, and not looking, will probably miss the fact that you have discarded a joker, and won't even know it until she happens to see it on the discard floor later. By not saying "joker," you take advantage of some players' bad habits.
As the NMJL says, you are "not revealing more information than necessary." (2021)
Q: Who gets a discard if two want it for the same thing? ("Conflicting claim")
Q: What if the two calls aren't simultaneous - that one player verbalizes her claim after another player has already spoken for it, and neither one has exposed any tiles yet?
NMJL rulebook - Quote:
2007 NMJL newsletter:
2007 NMJL newsletter:
2013 NMJL newsletter:
2019 NMJL FAQs:
This (above) raises the issue of "slam-exposing." The rule is not intended to encourage aggressive play. But there are aggressive players who look for every opportunity to shut out opponents.
Q: Who gets a discard if one wants it for mah-jongg?
Q: It's not a race, you say? What if one claimant exposed tiles from her hand before the other spoke her mah-jongg claim?
Q: What if the player who took the tile for mah-jongg turns out to have been in error, and now she's dead? Does the other claimant get to take the tile now?
Q: What does "any suit" mean when there are two colors? When there are three colors?
The color-coding on the card cannot say it all in every case. So when the color-coding isn't sufficient to explain the requirements of a particular hand, the card designer writes a parenthetical to give more information. Sometimes some folks might think that there is a conflict between the parenthetical and the color-coding (that the color-coding conflicts with what it says in the parentheses). In such cases, you have to consider the parenthetical as being the final word.
A typical example is when a quint hand is shown with a quint of a numbered suit tile, and a quint or kong of dragons in a different color - and the parenthetical says "any tile of any suit, plus any dragon."
"Any suit" means just that: "ANY SUIT." When you see this wording using three "anys" and you also see two different colors, your two tile groupings could be of the same suit.
There are only two possible ways to look at it, when the color-coding and the parenthetical don't match: either the English language is overruled (thrown out the window) by the color-coding, or the word "any" means just that: "any." Isn't it more logical to assume that the English language is not invalidated by color-coding?
The word "any" is clear. You KNOW what the word "any" means. Do not let the color-coding on the card "color" your thinking! For more on how to read the card, see answer AJ and answer AK. If you'd like to refresh your memory as to the meaning of the word "any," you can use any dictionary.
Q: Am I dead if I put the called discard in my hand when exposing a set or when declaring a win? I was playing in a tournament and they told me I was dead!
The upshot of the rule is, "you're not supposed to do that." It's frowned on, but there's no penalty.
Is there a limit to how many jokers I can use in a set?
1. Can I claim a discard with just jokers? (Do I have to have a natural* tile to expose?)
2. Can I have a set that's all jokers?
A: 1. No, you don't have to have a natural concealed within your hand prior to claiming a discarded natural for exposure.
When claiming a discarded tile to make an exposure, the exposure can contain any number of jokers. For example, if you have three jokers and someone discards a tile, you may claim it and expose a kong with the discard and your three jokers.
A: 2. Yes, you can have a concealed set in your hand that is all jokers.
Of course, you can't make an exposure comprised of nothing but jokers, because you can only claim a non-joker for exposure. See FAQ G1. Someone has to discard a natural (a non-joker; not a joker) in order for you to be able to claim it. The rest of your tiles for that subsequent exposed set can be all jokers, as stated above.
Q: 1. When can I redeem a joker? What's the procedure? 2. Can I redeem a joker before I take a discard? Can I redeem a joker after I take a discard for exposure? 3. Can I redeem a joker atop my own rack? 4. What if someone gives me the wrong tile in a joker exchange?
A: 1, 2. You can redeem a joker only when it is your turn. When it is your turn, you must first bring a 14th tile into the hand [NMJL, 2009 & 2012], before you can redeem a joker. There are two ways to bring a 14th tile into the hand - by picking from the wall OR by taking a discard for exposure. THEN, after picking (or after taking and exposing a COMPLETE* exposure), you may redeem jokers from atop anyone's rack (including your own).
*To clarify the phrase "complete exposure": If you want to call for exposure, and then (on the same turn) redeem a joker, and then use that newly acquired joker to completely fill the exposure you just made in that same turn, NO. The rules say:
The proper procedure for redeeming a joker is to take the natural tile from your rack and hold it in your hand to the person who has the joker you want (you don't put your tile on their rack, and you don't put your tile on the table in front of them**), and ask them for the joker. Wait for them to put the joker in your hand and take your tile. Then you may put the joker among your concealed tiles.
**MJME2023 says that the natural tile must not touch the discard floor. If it touches the discard floor before the request for the joker is vocalized, then the natural tile is considered discarded, and may not be exchanged. Page 21, rule 3.
Then, after putting the joker in among your tiles, you may discard or declare mah-jongg (either of which ends your turn).
For further reading:
. Can I redeem a joker atop my own rack?
. Somebody redeemed a joker but replaced it with the wrong tile. What's the penalty?
Q: Can I redeem more than one joker in a turn?
Q: Do I have to expose when I redeem a joker? If I'm playing a hand that must be concealed, am I prohibited from redeeming a joker?
Q: Can I redeem a joker from a dead player's rack?
The General Rule on Joker Availability
The Specifics, In Case the General Rule Isn't Clear Enough
In addition to proper/improper exposure, joker validity can also depend on the player's cause of death. (Causes for death are detailed in AA, below.)
Occasionally a hand's non-validity can be determined upon the first exposure. For instance, if the player's first exposure is a quint of dragons and if the current card does not have any hand with a dragon quint. In such an instance, all the exposed tiles are returned to the rack (including jokers).
Q: What if the player is dead but nobody has said so?
Q: Counterclockwise, clockwise? I'm so confused!
Here's another way of looking at it: those two directions in one illustration:
There are two directions happening simultaneously - counterclockwise (the players taking tiles in turn) and clockwise (the tiles disappearing from the wall). During the course of play, players always take turns counterclockwise (even during the deal) - and tiles are always removed clockwise from the wall (even during the deal). And in American mah-jongg, players serve the wall diagonally into the center of the table as the wall is used up.
Q: My group plays with the fourteenth tile, and a rules question came up... Oh, and I also have a question about the past history of playing with a future tile. Answer them one at a time, please.
Q: I played long ago. We used to play futures all the time back then. When were futures outlawed?
Q: Two historical questions about jokers...
Q1: When were jokers introduced? Was it always eight jokers?
Q2: I played long ago, and we could use jokers for anything. When exactly were jokers outlawed in pairs?
Q: Why are so many players of American mah-jongg Jewish?
As far as I know, the Jewish-mahjongg connection (the prevalence of Jewish players) is primarily an American phenomenon. Sure, there are Jewish mah-jongg players outside the U.S., but in my opinion the sizeable Jewish demographic among mah-jongg players is something one sees only in the U.S., where American-style mah-jongg seems to be the dominant variant. In other countries, where other forms of mah-jongg are played, the demographics are a bit more diverse.
In the 1920s the game became a fad in general. Eddie Cantor sang a hit song about mah-jongg ("Since Ma Is Playing Mah Jong") at that time. He was Jewish, if I recall correctly. So perhaps the Jewish connection to mah-jongg began as early as the 1920s.
Q: Why are so many players of American mah-jongg female?
Q: Why are so few players under 30?
Q: 1. How does payment work?
1: Most American players play for actual money, in the form of coins exchanged immediately upon a win. Some people keep score on paper instead (no money involved). The hand values given on the NMJL card range from 25 to 50. That equates to 25¢ and 50¢. The score is double for the discarder (non-discarders pay single value). The score is doubled again if the hand has no jokers (not including the hands in the singles and pairs section of the card) at the time mah-jongg is declared.
For the novices, here is an example: Charlotte discards green and David wins on it, a 25-point hand. Charlotte announces the score: "That's it. Mahj! David discarded it, so he owes me 50¢. The rest of you owe me 25."
A lot of people ask if it's really true that 25 cents, doubled twice, really equals a whole dollar. At first blush it would seem that these people can't do math. But I do not believe that that many people truly are that math-challenged. So there must be some other reason for the frequency of this question. I think it's connected to the same reason why many stores show their prices as being a penny under a dollar, so they don't have to cross a "dollar boundary." American mah-jongg players don't mind playing for cents, but as soon as we start talking about dollars, then we enter a whole different dimension. The upshot?... Yes, of course a quarter doubled twice is a whole dollar. It's not difficult math. You didn't think mah-jongg was a gambling game? Well, guess what: it is! Get used to it. In Asia, lots of people gamble for much higher stakes! We're really talking peanuts. Many people like to limit the gamble by using the widely common "pie" rule (below).
2. A "pie" is a table rule that limits the amount that a player can lose during an evening's play. Players here in Los Angeles mostly play with a $5 pie - which means that each player brings a coin purse with exactly $5 in coins. When the player's coins are all gone, she continues to play - at no additional risk.
She's "pie"
When she wins, people pay her, then when she loses again, she pays again. But when playing with a pie, nobody ever loses more money than she brought in her coin purse. Several people have asked me if some penalties should be paid with money from the pocket or purse (rather than from the pie purse). The answer is no -- that would defeat the whole purpose for having a pie in the first place.
If you play in a pie game, just don't bring any other money to the game except your pie money. That's all the money you can lose in the game, period.
Read FAQ 14 for more about table rules.
The pie amount is whatever the group agrees to. I've heard of people playing with a $3 pie, I've heard that rich east coast ladies play with a $10 pie, some people refuse to play for any money at all, and some players play without a pie (sky's the limit).
As for the etymology of the term, have you ever seen a pie chart? That's a circular representation of something that can be broken down into percentages. So in American mah-jongg, the term means "I have this much pie to go aROUND, and when it's gone, nobody eats any more pie." I read on Facebook that it stands for "Purse Is Empty." But I like my crusty juicy confection metaphor better.
3. The colorful plastic chips (like antique Chinese coins with a square hole) that come with many mah-jongg sets are chips - exactly as is done with casino chips or poker chips, they are used in lieu of money for scorekeeping. If you are playing somewhere where it wouldn't be kosher to let people see you paying each other with money after each hand (gambling is frowned upon in many places, you know), you can use the plastic chips instead. Then if you want to play for real money, settle up at the end of the entire play session. For details about how to use chips, see FAQ 7d.
4. Betting is an optional way to enjoy a five-player game in which one player rotates out each hand. The fifth player looks at each player's hand after the Charleston is complete and makes a note of the name of the player whom she thinks will win the hand (or if she thinks it will be a wall game). If she bet correctly, the losing players all have to pay not only the winner but also the bettor. If she bet wrongly, she pays exactly what the "bet-on" player pays to any or all other players. If it's a wall game and the bettor correctly bet on a wall game, the players all pay her 25¢.
If she bet on the wall and a player wins by self-pick, she pays double amount (same as any other non-winner). If she bet on the wall and a player wins by discard, she pays single amount (same as any other non-discarder).
New rule, 2024: the League recognizes that some people play for cash (coins), and possibly for a limited purse ("Pie"). To make sure payment is fair, the League "recommends that all monies due are given to the declarer, in the event that one or more players may be Pie or short of the payment required.
The declarer now gives half of all they have collected to the Bettor." (Source: NMJL FAQs, 2024.)
The bettor is not allowed to say anything until after all players have made payment. If after payment is made, the bettor announces that the win was in error, it's too late to undo the payment. Nobody gives any money back. FOUR people erred (not one). When people err, they sometimes have to pay a penalty. Read FAQ 9 for more about how to handle errors.
What if the winner's hand is jokerless but she doesn't request double payment? Do we pay her double anyway?
If a player declares Mah Jongg without jokers, she/he must announce it as jokerless. If not announced, the player would NOT be entitled to the bonus.
6. Can I claim a Bonus double with one joker in Quints? Can I claim a Bonus double in Singles & Pairs?
But it's impossible to make a quint without at least one joker. And the name of the Bonus double isn't "jokerless," it's "Bonus."
Q: I hear Chinese mah-jongg is harder!
American mah-jongg is hard because you can only play the hands listed on the card. It's quite a challenge to find possibilities for hands from among a random 13 or 14 tiles. ONLY American mah-jongg uses a card! All the other forms of mah-jongg are free-form (very much akin to Rummy).
American mah-jongg is the oddball variant of the mah-jongg world. Once you learn any... um... "un-American" (^_^) variant, it's easy to learn any other variant (including American), but there's something about the American variant that "spoils" you, apparently making it a huge mental leap to learn about stuff like chows and the use of flowers (not to mention the scoring). Or so it seems, anyway (I've often found it a challenge to teach non-American forms to players of the American game). Read FAQ 10 and FAQ 20 if you care to learn the basics of, uh, "un-American" (^_^) kinds of mah-jongg.
Q: Is there a special prohibition against, or penalty for, throwing the winning tile when the wall is short and/or the winner had exposures showing? Is there a special prohibition against claiming a discard for mere exposure on East's wall (the last short wall)?
The official rules do not penalize throwing into exposures. Under the official rules, the discarder of the winning tile always pays twice what the other two non-winners pay the winner (the scoring rules are clearly stated on the back of the yearly card).
Many groups adopt a "table rule" to stipulate a penalty for discarding the winning tile during the final stage of a hand. Invariably, these table rules are called "cold wall" or "hot wall" or "paying for the party." Many tournaments penalize throwing the winning tile into two or three exposures; but these penalties are not part of the official rules.
Other than the discarder double payment, the official NMJL rules do not stipulate any prohibition against, nor penalty for, throwing the winning tile, under any circumstances, no matter the number of exposures or the length of the remaining wall.
Q: What is a "cold wall"? And what is a "hot wall"? What's "paying for the party?"
"Paying for the party" means that the non-winners who didn't discard the winning tile don't have to pay anything (the discarder takes on that debt, and pays on their behalf). These are all table rules. That means these rules are NOT part of the official rules as governed by the NMJL. Read FAQ 14 to learn more about table rules. And read FAQ 21 to learn about how some tournament organizers set their rules (which necessarily differ somewhat from the official NMJL rules, since playing for points in a competitive tournament setting is different from paying for coins between a foursome playing for fun).
Q: Must exposures be in card order?
Q: Can a player call another player dead? What are the rules regarding death challenges?
When a player is called dead due to an erroneous exposure, the tiles in the erring exposure should be returned to the rack. This removes any jokers from "temptation." The taken discard (if one was used to make the erroneous exposure) also goes to the sloping front of the rack, unless another player wants it for mah-jongg and this mahj claim is being spoken before another turn occurs after the erroneous exposure was made.
When someone issues a death challenge, whether it's phrased as a statement, a guess, or a question*, the player who is on the receiving end of the death challenge must either acknowledge that she is indeed dead, or she may deny it (without explaining what hand she is making). Then the game continues, either with or without that player, depending on her reply to the challenge.
* A lot of players try to weasel their way out of actually making a challenge outright, out of fear of being wrong and being penalized. So they phrase it as a question rather than a death challenge. It still counts. Even just mentioning in the vaguest way that a player might be dead is still tantamount to issuing the challenge, because the mention does call everyone's attention to the challengee's hand. Therefore, if somebody asks you if you're dead (or asks anybody else at the table or in the room if you're dead), that is a death challenge - and you can reply accordingly. "Yes, you got me, I'm dead," or "No, I deny that I'm dead - according to the rules, you'll owe me 50¢ when you see that I'm right." (See AB, below.)
Q: Someone called me dead (pursuant to AA above) but I'm not dead. What now?
After denying the death challenge, the game continues with both the challenger and the challenged continuing to play. Then at the end the challenged player's tiles are examined to determine who pays whom.
So. If you call me dead and I deny it, and at the end of the hand we see that you were wrong, you owe me 50¢. Conversely, if you call me dead and I deny it, and at the end of the hand we see that I was wrong, I owe you 50¢.
Q: Can I call myself dead? If I know I'm dead, do I have to call myself dead?
Q: Three questions about racking:
Q: When exactly is a tile racked? A: When the tile is seated on the sloping side of the rack (position D on the below illustration).
For a detailed explanation, see
A: Some players QUICKLY rack a tile after picking it. I call this practice "pickandrack." Pickandrack is a "shut out your neighbor" approach that values minimizing other players' chances during the window of opportunity for other players to claim the live discard. It's not a nice way to play.
I have some theories about why people do this:
In my book, I wrote that pickandrack is "ungracious and aggressive [and] makes it extremely difficult for anyone to claim the current live discard" (page 109).
In its 2008 newsletter, the National Mah Jongg League's late president, Ruth Unger, quoted me (paraphrased) and added, "The League is in agreement."
Ms. Unger's sons, Larry and David, restated the League's stance on aggressive play* in the 2020 newsletter: "Slamming tiles or racing to put up an exposure is poor sportsmanship, not supported by the League."
I recommend that players pause a beat before picking, in order to give others a chance to call for the current discard. Having first paused a beat, then you can pickandrack as quickly as you want. All players should have a reasonable opportunity on every discard.
For much more on pickandrack and the window of opportunity, click here or scroll down.
Q: Do I have to use dots in a 202x grouping?
Q: Can I add to an exposure later?
Q: So you're saying I can make changes to my exposure if I haven't discarded yet? Once you make an exposure and discard, the exposure will remain, as is, for the duration of the hand. You cannot later (after discarding) change a pung to a kong, quint, or sextet. You cannot later change a quint to a sextet, kong, or pung. You cannot later correct an erroneous exposure.
Q: If I can change the exposure, can I change my mind about making an exposure at all (put my tiles back on the sloping front of the rack), if I haven't discarded yet? Q: I accidentally made an exposure of two different tiles (the discard I took doesn't match the tiles I put up from my concealed tiles). My hand is dead if I don't fix it. Can I fix it?
Q: How does the Charleston work? When can I stop the Charleston? When can I blind pass?
*On the third pass (first left pass of the first Charleston and last right pass of the second Charleston) you might find that you don't have three tiles to give a neighbor. When that happens, you can give your neighbor some or all of the tiles passed to you by your other neighbor, without looking at them (which is why it's called "blind").
A.1.: The Charleston consists of three dances.
A.2.: Cancelling the second dance has no effect whatsoever on the courtesy. It's not unusual to call off the second dance yet still have one or two, or even three, tiles to trade in the Courtesy. Even if the person who stopped the Charleston has no tiles to pass (in which case she and her opposite don't exchange), that still does not prevent the other two players from exchanging if they so desire.
A.3.: No player is required to pass more than she wants to in the courtesy pass. If she only wants to pass two, you may not force her to give you three. Besides, you don't really expect anything new to get passed at this point, do you? Get real!
Q: I have an old set that has 22 flowers. They don't even match. Why did somebody do that?
Q: What if there's no parenthetical?
For instance, if the card shows N EE but there's no parenthetical saying "these winds only," then can I make a single of any wind and a pair of any other wind?
Q1: I read in 19J what "any" means in the parenthetical. But what if the word "any" is not used? For instance, a 13579 hand is shown as 11 333 5555 777 99, and it doesn't say "any 3 suits" in parentheses. Then don't the ones and threes have to be in bams, the fives have to be in craks, and the sevens and nines have to be in dots?
Q: Can I "reverse-redeem"? That is to say, if I have a joker in my hand, may I put my joker in somebody's exposure and take a natural tile (a non-joker, or what the League calls "a symbol tile") from that exposure?
Q: 1. Can I change my mind about picking from the wall?
It's bad manners to interrupt or halt the flow of the game, and then say, "Oh wait. Never mind."
It upsets the game to make any move and then ask for a do-over. It interferes with the game's harmony.
Even so, under the official rules, it is permitted, under certain circumstances, to have a change of heart after making some moves.
So even if the "change of heart" rule permits changing your mind, you're likely to get somebody mad at you if you abuse the privilege by changing your mind a lot. Saying "wait" and then thinking amounts to the same thing; it interrupts the flow of the game and disturbs the harmony. It's good manners to be sure before you interrupt the game. Manners are not a matter of rules - they're a matter of etiquette. It's important to be mindful of both rules and etiquette when playing in a group. Rules can be enforced; etiquette cannot.
Some players react to frequent changes of heart and bad etiquette by instituting table rules. A group of novice players will likely use lax table rules, and a group of experienced players will likely use stricter table rules. It's normal for table rules to exist, but table rules shouldn't be dictated by one person; they should be agreed by all. For more about how table rules work, see FAQ 14. For more about etiquette, see FAQ 9. Okay, now to answer those four "change of heart" questions.
A: 1. Picking from the wall. After you've lifted or moved the wall tile, you may not change your mind and put it back. (You can reach for it and change your mind. You can even touch it and change your mind. But if you lift it or move it, it's yours and you have committed to taking it.)
A: 2. Calling a discard / making an exposure. You can touch it or move it and change your mind. But once you have either placed the taken discard atop the rack or exposed tiles from your hand, you have committed to making the play (then you have crossed the line, and you may not backtrack - it's too late).
Q: Can I change my exposure if I haven't discarded yet?
A: 3. Discarding a tile. Once the tile has touched the table or you have said its name (whichever happens first), it's "down" -- and "down is dead." You can't take it back. As I wrote in FAQ 19B, above.
A: 4. Redeeming a joker. Once you have either placed your natural (your non-joker tile) atop the other player's rack or put it in the other player's fingers* or grasped the other player's joker, you have committed to completing the exchange. You may not un-place your tile or replace the joker. The 2014 newsletter from the League says that you have committed once you have "made the exchange," even if you have not yet placed the redeemed joker into your own hand.
A: 5. I said mah-jongg, then I realized it wasn't mahj; can I have backsies?. Yes. If all you did was speak, you may retract the claim.
Sources: In general: when you have started an action and others can see the action you have begun, you have committed to the action.
The point of the "change of heart" rule is, it's disruptive and inconvenient for everyone else if you often ask for backsies. Don't penalize everyone else for your own indecisiveness. Decide first, before putting hand on tile. If you start to take an action, just suck it up and see it through.
Q: Who pays double when I win? Does somebody always pay double?
Q: When the card parenthetical says "Kongs 8s Only" or "Pungs 6s Only," does the use of the word "only" mean that you cannot use a joker?
Q: My group doesn't roll dice and break the wall. Our way is better. For one thing, when you play with a hot wall, rolling dice randomizes the length of the hot wall (not that I know why that's a bad thing, since we don't use a hot wall in my group). Besides, it's easier and faster to just start dealing from the right end of East's wall. Why do other people think it's necessary to roll dice to break the wall?
Q: I know that the X and C stand for eXposed and Concealed, but what do the terms "exposed" and "concealed" mean exactly?
Q: Can I use a joker in a hand that must be concealed?
Q: How can we play with three players?
Q: The Window Of Opportunity for another player to claim the previous discard wasn't closed yet. Does that mean I have to put my picked tile back on the end of the wall where I got it from, when someone calls the discard?
Q: In parentheses on the card, it says "like pungs" - what does that mean?
Q: I have a question about this year's card from the National Mah Jongg League...
On the third pass (first left pass of the first Charleston and last right pass of the second Charleston) you might find that you don't have three tiles to give a neighbor. When that happens, you can give your neighbor some or all of the tiles passed to you by your other neighbor, without looking at them (which is why it's called "blind").
Q: It's okay to peek at the tile when I steal during the Charleston, right?
Q: Does it matter where I place jokers within tile groupings, or put space between groupings?
Regarding placement of jokers:
Regarding spaces between groupings:
Misnamed discard. For instance, a player discards a One Bam but says "Flower." The rule is that the player must say the correct name of the tile she discarded (she does not have to discard a flower; the League has said this, in print, several times, in yearly newsletters).
Q1: She misnamed her discard. Someone wanted the named tile (the tile she SAID, not the tile she put down) for mah-jongg. What now?
Q2: What if the misnamed tile was wanted for exposure only (not for mah-jongg)?
Q3: What if the misnamed tile was wanted for exposure only (not for mah-jongg), but the error was not noticed until after the next player in turn had already picked and racked, closing the window of opportunity on the misnamed discard?
Q4: What if the misnamed tile was wanted for mah-jongg, but the error was not noticed until after the next player in turn had already picked and racked, closing the window of opportunity on the misnamed discard?
Q: How does "Atomic" (or "Nuclear") work?
Q: How do we handle a slow player?
Q: How does seat rotation work?
Or, to put it another way: The first person who deals (usually the host in a home game) will be the "Pivot" player for table seat rotation. When each player around the table has had a turn at dealing (being East), and the dice have been passed around to the Pivot (also called "original East") again, the first round is complete. Pivot, keeping the dice, switches seats with the player to the right. When both are situated, pivot deals to begin another round. Every time the deal comes back to the Pivot, repeat the process (Pivot switches seats with player on right, then deals).
Q: I hear Chinese sets don't have numbers and letters on them.
The suit of craks ("characters") most definitely has numbers:
And the winds and dragons most definitely have letters... well, technically, words:
The technical term for those little Roman letters and Arabic numerals in the upper left corner of a tile: "indices" or "indicia." Yes, it's true that Chinese sets (sets made for use in China, and not for export to the West) don't have Western indices on them. If you can't read Chinese, and if you don't want to learn how to read the numbers and wind names, then you shouldn't buy a Chinese or Japanese or Vietnamese mah-jongg set.
Q: If I'm playing a concealed hand... (1) Is it okay to redeem a joker? (2) Is it okay to win on a discard?
Q: What the heck does "Opp. Dragons" mean?
Q: What if somebody passes me a joker in the Charleston?
Q: I read on page 33 of Elaine Sandberg's book that a "neutral" tile "can be used with any tile." Does that mean they're like jokers?
When you look on the NMJL card, you see that winds and flowers are always shown in blue ink. But you have to understand that in a multi-suit hand, the blue color of the winds and flowers (or zeroes) does not indicate that a particular suit be used. In fact, winds and flowers don't belong to ANY suit. And neither do zeroes.
The color-coding principle (that "colors are merely symbolic") is not overridden by the presence of winds or flowers or zeroes.
To illustrate the concept of "suitlessness" (or "neutrality"), consider this imaginary 3-suited hand:
= 10
In the above imaginary example, there are 3 suits used: one suit for the first kong of fives, another suit for the second kong of fives, and the third suit for the 1. The 1 can be ANY SUIT. Dots or bams or craks. It doesn't matter which suit. The first kong of fives can be any suit EXCEPT the suit used for the 1. The second kong of fives has to be the remaining suit. Depending on which suit was used for the first kong of fives and the 1, the second kong of fives might be dots or bams or craks.
Note that I didn't mention the zero or the flowers in that discussion of suits. Why? Because flowers and zeroes (and winds, as well) are SUITLESS. Or, as Sandberg puts it, "neutral."
Q: Can I use a zero in a Consecutive Run, like zero-one-two instead of one-two-three?
= 10
...or something like that. If they made a hand like that, then the white dragon would need to be used.
Q: Can I look at my tiles while the deal is still going on, or do I have to wait until all the tiles are dealt?
Q: What if I'm East and I have a complete hand before the Charleston? Or right after the Charleston?
Q: I'm East. What if my hand is complete at the end of the Charleston instead of before the Charleston?
Q: I can't find this rule anywhere! I checked the back of the NMJL card and the official NMJL rulebook and I even checked
your book. A player in our group said [something; whatever]. Is that true, is that really a rule?
Q: Am I required to put a tile in my rack? Three variations on this question:
A.1. No. There is no rule that says a player must rack before discarding. The NMJL says it is "best practice" to rack, but it's not a rule. (2021 newsletter)
Q: How should exposures be oriented atop the rack?
Q: Should I telephone the NMJL with my rule question?
Also: When you phone, your call is answered by the person on phone duty, and it's possible that she will tell you the rule from memory, without referring to MJME (and certainly without checking past newsletters). But when you mail your question in, staffers may well confer to come to a definitive answer based on written rules and past rule principles. Heck, if you phone me to ask me a rule (please don't!) I too would first reply from memory, before checking FAQ 19 or MJME or my stack of newsletters, and you could get a wrong answer from me. Snailmail and email give a person more time to ensure a proper answer. Phone puts a person on the spot and under time pressure.
With all those chances for something to go wrong, something probably will go wrong! So snail-mail the question, with a self-addressed stamped envelope. The address is The National Mah Jongg League, Inc., 450 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10123.
Q: When someone calls a discard and redeems a joker and wins, which tile gave her mah-jongg?
The discard initiated the cascade, so does the discarder pay double? Redeeming the joker made her hand complete, and she had to have the joker replacement in hand before she got the discard, so does everybody pay double?
Q: Who plays next after erroneous mahj?
Q: We play with 14 tiles...
Q: How would [something] be ruled in a tournament?
Q: What If Everybody Wants To Blind Pass?
Q: What does it mean if we get a lot of wall games? Does it mean we're getting better at playing? Does it mean we're playing defensively?
Q: Why doesn't the new card come out in January? Why is it that it doesn't come until late March or early April?
Q: If we get the new card in March, do we have to wait until April to start using it?
Q: What if three players go dead? Who pays the survivor?
Q: A wall tile was seen; now what? Tiles were knocked off the wall; now what?
How does the color-coding work on the card?
What does it mean when a zero is green or red?
East deals tiles to the other players, right?
What is the purpose of the numbers on the flower tiles?
What if two players go dead in a three-player game?
Q: A group I joined recently uses a rule I never heard of before. Is it a real rule or a house rule?
Ask. The people you play with might know if their rule is official or made up by them (or by the person who taught them) (then again, there are those who teach made-up rules as if they were official*).
For information about where to obtain mah-jongg books, see FAQ 3.
Q: I was chastised for touching another player's rack. Is there really a rule against that?
Q: I was chastised for touching another player's tile. Is there really a rule against that? I was just going to hand it to her and save her the trouble of reaching for it.
Q: After breaking the wall, where do the leftover tiles go?
Here's where it begins (image below). You have a wall of 19 tiles (yellow) lined up behind a rack (light blue).
You're East. You roll the dice. Let's say you roll an eight.
You count eight tiles from the right. Then, using your left hand, with your index finger at X (image below) and your thumb at Y, you pull the tiles to the left and make a small break in the wall.
You want to use the rack to push out a nice straight wall, so you slide the rack to the left (image below).
Push the rack up into contact with the tiles (image above).
Place your left hand on the rack so that your index finger is at X and your thumb is at Y.
So you see that you have now served out the first wall (the tiles to the left of the break, see image above), leaving the tiles to the right of the break where they were. The tiles to the left of the break are the beginning of the wall, and the tiles to the right of the break are the back end of the wall.
Put the rack back where it started. The tiles to the right of the break stay at the right end of the rack (see image below). The deal now begins (see FAQ 19-Q).
Q: What are the probabilities/statistics/odds/combinatorics of... [something/anything/whatever]?
Q: Must a player speak her claim for a discard out loud?
Q: I was called dead (and I agreed that I'm dead). Now what?
Q: I was called dead during my turn. Don't I need to discard now?
Q: You mentioned somewhere above something about returning tiles to my rack?
Q: Even if there are jokers among them?
Q: So now I can start kvetching about my tiles?
Q: So now I can walk around and look at other players' tiles?
Q: When somebody wins, do I have to pay her?
Q: Do I get dealt into the next hand?
Q: What if a call for a discard is spoken at the exact precise instant that the next-in-turn racks her picked tile from the wall (or if nobody can tell which came first)?
Q: What are blank tiles used for?
Q: I declared mah-jongg, exposing the whole hand at once without having made any prior exposures. But I arranged the tiles incorrectly when exposing the hand. Can I rearrange them and collect my winnings, or did I screw it up?
Q1 : Do I have to be certified to teach mah-jongg?
Q2: Who certifies mah-jongg teachers' qualifications?
Q: What happens if somebody picks out of turn?
Q: How much is luck and how much is skill?
I heard about a penalty called "paying for the table." When does that one kick in?
Q: I made a bad exposure. Now what?
Q: Why won't the computer let me call a discard for 2021 or NEWS?
Q: Why isn't my question listed above in the index of questions about computer games?
You can ask me your question about your computer game, but you need to state (1) which mah-jongg app you play, (2) what device you play the game on, and (3) a clear question. I can post it on my
bulletin board, where maybe another reader will write in with the answer to your question.
Also, you can try posting your question on Reddit's Mahjong forum ( But don't ask me how to use Reddit! :grin: You'll find a lot of the discussion there is about Japanese majan and Chinese majiang. Your needle could be there in that haystack somewhere!
Q: Why won't the computer let me win?
The above is the most common reason an app disallows a play. There are many other possible reasons, too numerous to elaborate. Most likely you either misread the card or are unfamiliar with a particular mah-jongg rule.
For questions specific to this year's card or a particular year's card, see FAQ 16.
If you are just learning the rules of American mah-jongg with the use of a computer game, may I recommend that you get a good rulebook to supplement your learning of the game?
Q: How do I take a screenshot of my game on Windows?
Microsoft's Snip & Sketch, or Microsoft's Snipping Tool. When you want to take a snapshot, click at lower left, next to the Start button, where it says "Type here to search," and type "snip" and then click on either the Snipping Tool or Snip & Sketch. You drag the mouse cursor diagonally across the area you want to capture. Then there are other steps to take to save the capture as an image file you can send me. I'm not going to go into depth on how to use those snip tools, because I don't use this method of making screen shots myself. For more details on this method, you can Google "how to use Snip & Sketch".
Play around with this when you're not under pressure from your mah-jongg game to make a move. You might wind up preferring this technique.
Press the PrtScr button (in the top row of your extended PC keyboard, towards the righthand side) to take a snapshot of your entire screen. Then open Microsoft Paint (to open Paint, click at lower left, next to the Start button, where it says "Type here to search," and type "paint"), and when you're in Paint, hit ctrl-V to paste. Then drag diagonally across the area of the screen you want to show me and click Crop (at left side of Paint's tool ribbon), then click File/Save As, and save the image with a logical filename, making sure you know where you're saving it so you can send it to me.
For more details, Google "how to capture a screenshot on windows".
Q: How do I take a screenshot of my game on my Mac computer?
Q: How do I take a screenshot of my game on my iPhone?
Q: How do I take a screenshot of my game on my Android phone?
Q: I saw some of the responses you've given on the Q&A bulletin board, and gee, you seem kinda snippy sometimes. Why ya gotta be like dat?
Q: What happens if somebody has a wrong tile count (too many tiles or too few tiles in the hand)?
Q: We say "dice" to mean one of the little spotted cubes, but "die" when there are more than one?
Q: We finished playing a hand. Who deals the next hand?
Q: There are no jokers in my hand when I declare mahj, because somebody redeemed the joker I did have exposed. Do I still earn the jokerless bonus?
Q: I was told I must never touch or mix the discards on the discard floor. Is that a rule?
Q: What if a player is dead, but nobody has said they were dead? Are that player's exposed jokers available for redemption?
Q: I have a question about the Marvelous Mahjongg card.
Q: Somebody on Facebook mentioned a "Super Joker." What is that?
Q: Is there a rule about how discards should be placed or arranged or oriented?
Q: You have often said, "mah-jongg trumps everything." What do you mean by that?
Q: How does a turn work? When does it begin, what can I do during a turn, and when does it end?
Q: What happens if somebody pushes out the wrong wall?
Q: Where can I find an archive of past NMJL cards?
Q: WHY would anyone discard a joker?
Q: Can I score for the jokerless bonus if I have only one joker in a quint?
Q: But it's impossible to make a quint without at least one joker. And the name of the Bonus double isn't "jokerless," it's "Bonus."
Q: What if a player picks her mahj tile and another player calls the live discard?
("Conflicting self-pick and call")
What is the rule when somebody wants to claim a discarded tile for exposure after the next person has already picked from the wall, or has exposed tiles?
This question is about what I call the "window of opportunity" rule. The "window of opportunity" is that brief moment in time during which a player may claim a discard. When does the window of opportunity open, and when does it close?
Opening the Window of Opportunity
Next Player Picks From the Wall
If another player claims the live discard before the window of opportunity is closed, the picker must put the picked wall tile back on the end of the wall (the same place where she got it), so the next player can take it, whether or not it has been seen.
Closing the Window of Opportunity
One Window Closes, Another Window Opens
You can also read Column #458.
From the Mah-Jongg Q&A bulletin board:
What if the window of opportunity closes just as a player calls, part 4
Very nice, Donna!
"Pickandrack" - Following Logically From the Window Rule
>Name = Minette
Minette, I understand that it does seem that that would be smart. However... would it be nice?
If you are playing against a bunch who is much faster and sharper than you (you are totally outgunned by a bunch of mah-jongg "sharks"), then by all means "pickandrack" is a reasonable defensive strategy. HOWEVER... if any of your opponents are slow thinkers, or new players still struggling with the concept of the game, then "pickandrack" would be a highly aggressive way to act. Who's the mah-jongg shark now? (^_^)
Some authors who write about the Chinese Classical game actually go one step further and set a rule that the player to the right of the latest discarder should pause for a beat before reaching to take the next tile from the wall. And I even heard some mention of this idea (that players should pause for a beat before picking) at a recent American tournament here in Los Angeles. It's a kinder and gentler way to play!
I understand that it's distressing to pick a tile, observe that it's a joker (or another tile that can help your hand), and then to have to put it back when somebody calls the latest discard. But how often does that happen? It has happened to me a few times - but most of the time, the tile you pick isn't a tile you need.
>Name = Michelle
Hi Michelle,
As a mah-jongg teacher, I often have students who have learned from others, whose ideas differ from mine. Pickandrack is one practice for which my thinking often differs from students' previous learnings.
Faster experienced players often want the game to move really quickly. In such a circle, pickandrack would be good etiquette (and good strategy) for a slower newer player.
When one fast player joins a slow table, she will often be impatient with everyone and will try to enforce a faster speed on the group. But for the fast player to use pickandrack in such a setting would be highly aggressive and can result in disharmonious play.
Slower newer players who have experienced the frustration of having to put back a seen joker due to another's calling for a tile eventually get the brilliant idea that by using pickandrack, they will not have to put jokers back any more.
Some tournament judges require players to pause a beat before picking. A player who pauses a beat, THEN uses pickandrack, not only reduces her chances of having to put back a seen tile but also gives the other players time to call a discard. It's considerate and does not significantly slow the game down. As for me, I can usually tell if my picked tile is a joker or not the instant I pick it from the rack - most players' sets have stickered jokers, or the joker design varies significantly from the other tile designs, and my thumb (on the face of the picked tile) can often feel this difference. I usually wait a beat before picking, and if my thumb tells me I've got a joker, I rack it rapidly (unless it's near the end and I'm dogging anyway).
As I wrote in FAQ 9, trying to convince others to adhere to harmonious practices can (paradoxically) result in disharmony. One has to be very diplomatic in how one engages in such discussions. And it might be a good idea to poll the other players privately (away from the table) prior to initiating such discussions, to see whether there will be support or not. I used to play with one of those impatient fast players (a fellow mah-jongg teacher). She didn't pickandrack unless it was a tile she wanted. Her hand would be out in the middle of the table while the previous player was preparing to discard, and the instant the previous player said the tile's name, the fast player would pickandlook. Then she'd either rack or discard really quickly. I learned to simply deal with the fact that I would have to be really quick to call a tile discarded just before her turn. And if she was sitting to my right, my hand would bump hers because we were both putting our hands into the table (me to discard, her to pick). Our games went at a normal pace for 3 players' turns, then her turn would comeandgorealfast, then there'd be normal speed for 3 players' turns, then she'd pickanddiscardrealfast... and so on. This was a little annoying, but to try to get her to change her ways would have accomplished nothing but an argument. So I stifled myself and dealt with it.
Tom Sloper
* NOTE: These FAQs are written to be "universal" principles - they are not written with one particular NMJL card in mind, so that I don't have to rewrite the examples every year!
Here again is that key to the references cited after many of the answers above.
RDWW = my book, The Red Dragon & The West Wind. Click the link to learn more about the book.
NMJL = National Mah Jongg League's official rulebook, Mah Jongg Made Easy ("MJME").
Each January, the NMJL sends a newsletter/bulletin to the members whose addresses are on record with the League (which is why I always recommend you buy your card directly from the League). And some rules are stated on the "back of the card" - you do have the latest NMJL card, don't you? Click the NMJL link to buy the rulebook or the card directly from the League.
Click here if you have a question about the current NMJL card.
This page is constantly being updated. All updates are logged at The updates are listed in chronological order (newest updates are at the bottom).
© 2004-2024 Tom Sloper. All rights reserved. May not be re-published without written permission of the author. This site is not associated with the National Mah Jongg League. Note that the League is the ultimate arbiter of its rules; this site merely interprets them in detail.
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A: Per the NMJL rulebook ("Mah Jongg Made Easy"), a discarded tile is "down" when it touches the table OR is completely (fully) named, whichever occurs first. If you touch your tile to the tabletop, it's "down." You must say its name and take your hand off it. Likewise, if you say the name of the tile in full, it's "down." You must put it down and take your hand off it. The player to the discarder's right (playing counterclockwise) may not pick from the wall, and no player may claim the discard, until the discard is named (see the back of the card, middle pane).
For further reading:
RDWW - p. 51 (rule 53), p. 88
NMJL - MJME2020: Rule 7 on page 19.
MJME2023: Rule 4 on page 17.
A: No. When a tile is "down," it is too late for the discarder to take it back. "Down is dead." See FAQ 19-A above, and see FAQ 19-AM, below.
Q: Darn! I shouldn't have thrown it away! Well, can I call it back and make a meld or win with it?
A: No. "Down is dead." Well... The tile is dead to you, anyway - as long as it's not a joker, any other player except its discarder can call it. Nobody can ever take back a tile she just discarded, in any way, shape, or form. You can't make up rules to undo a blunder you've made.
A: The "window of opportunity" (during which a player may claim a discard) opens when a tile is
"down," and closes when next player either racks, discards, declares mah-jongg, or exchanges a joker (new, 2020: or has merely announced a joker exchange).
The window is also closed by a player claiming the discard and starting to make an exposure. (See FAQ 19.H.3.)
If you pick a tile from the wall and are just looking at it and thinking about it, or reaching with it anywhere, another player can still call the live discard, and you have to put your picked tile back on the wall. Read also answer #AT. If you need an even more detailed discussion on the very important "window of opportunity" rule, scroll down to the bottom of the page; also read column #458.
For further reading:
RDWW - p. 51 (rule 48), p. 88
NMJL - 2020, p. 24
Column #458
Column #639
A: Only the most recently thrown discard is available for play (and only while the window of opportunity is open) - all previous discards are "covered" (dead) when a new one goes down.
Thank you!
Can I kong a 202x or a NEWS?
I can use a joker for ANYthing, right? Can I use a joker in a 202x? Is 202x a kong?
Can I claim a single or to complete a pair, if it's for mah-jongg?
On page 12 of the 2020 edition of the official rulebook it says:
I contend that a two and a white dragon are not "of a kind."
Can I say mah-jongg on a discard if I'm waiting for a single or to complete a pair?
You may not use a joker in a grouping of non-identical tiles.
As it says on the back of the NMJL card, jokers can never (you know what "never" means) be used in a pair or to fill in for a single tile in a hand that uses singles.
You may never use a joker in a "NEWS" or a "202x." You may not claim any discarded tile to expose a "NEWS" or a "202x," prior to declaring mah-jongg (see answer E3, below). You may not use a joker in a grouping of non-identical tiles. You may not claim a discard to expose a grouping of non-identical tiles (except for mah-jongg).
The sets with red X's through them may not be exposed prior to going mah-jongg, and may never include jokers. The sets without X's are the ONLY types of sets which may be exposed prior to going mah-jongg, and in which jokers are legal to use: pungs, kongs, quints, sextets.
RDWW - p. 52 (rule 58b), p. 57 (rule 81), p. 87
NMJL - p. 14 (sort of)
A: Yes. If you are waiting for mah-jongg (you just need one tile), then - no matter how the tile is used in the hand (for a single, a pair, to complete a NEWS or a 202x, NO MATTER WHAT - as long as it is not a joker), you can say "mah-jongg" if anybody discards it.
A: Since, as it says on the back of the NMJL card, jokers cannot be used in a pair or to represent a single, it's impossible to use jokers in the hands in this section of the card. Any groupings you see on the card that are made of non-identical tiles are only grouped closely together because space is limited on the card.
Q: (1) Can I claim a discarded joker?
Q: (2) Can I claim a redeemable tile? Someone discarded it and I want to take it to redeem for a joker.
Q: (3) Can I claim "same" tile when a joker is discarded?
Q: (3) Do I have to say "same" when discarding a joker?
To see the rules about discarding jokers:
RDWW - p. 58 (rule 85), p. 59 (rule 89c), p. 91
NMJL - 2020 edition: p. 23. 2019 edition: p. 21 (older editions: p. 20)
For further reading:
RDWW - p. 58 (rule 86a), p. 92
NMJL rulebook latest editions - p.23, rule 5 (in older editions, joker rule 5 is on an earlier page, perhaps page 19 depending on edition)
It used to be permitted to claim the "same" (the named tile, not the joker itself), but that rule was abolished long ago. NOW, when somebody discards a joker and says the name of the previous discard,
there is NO claimable discard - ALL the discards on the table are dead: the joker itself, and the previous ("same") tile included.
A1: When two players claim a discard for exposure, the player whose turn would be next in order of play (counterclockwise from discarder) gets the tile. Likewise when two players claim a discard for mah-jongg.
A2: It's not a race in which the winner is the one who speaks first. The player next in turn gets the tile. But don't stop reading now!
Q: It's not a race, you say? So you're saying I can take my time?
"When two players call a tile for Mah Jongg, the player next in turn to discarder is entitled to the claim, EXCEPT when the other Mah Jongg declarer has begun to expose their tiles."
Note that the wording may have changed in later editions.
Note also that the controversial wording on the back of the 2024 card did not refer to PRIOR exposures.
Q. I called Mah Jongg on a discarded tile. Just a few seconds later, the player next in turn to discarder also called Mah Jongg on that same discarded tile. Who is entitled to the Mah Jongg?
A. Just as long as you have not exposed your hand...player next in turn would have priority.
A: No. There is such a thing as "too late." If a player has claimed the discard and exposed, it's too late for another player to speak her own claim for the tile. Actions speak louder than words. Keep reading...
For further reading:
RDWW - p. 53 (rule 63), pp. 96-97
NMJL rulebook, page 20, rule 13(b), also see newsletters:
Q. I called Mah Jongg on a discarded tile. Just a few seconds later, the player next in turn to discarder also called Mah Jongg on that same discarded tile. Who is entitled to the Mah Jongg?
A. Just as long as you have not exposed your hand...player next in turn would have priority.
Q. Two players called for the same tile for an exposure. The second player who called started to make her exposure but next in turn announced that she wanted that tile also. Who is entitled to the tile?
A. Just as long as the other player started to make her exposure, next in turn was TOO LATE.
When two players want the same tile for exposure, player next in turn to discarder has preference, EXCEPT when other caller has started to expose tiles.
When two players want the same tile for Mah Jongg, player next in turn to discarder has preference, EXCEPT when other caller has started to expose tiles.
- When a player who is next-in-line reaches for a discard without speaking, an aggressive player (not next in line) might quickly expose tiles from her own hand to shut out the next-in-line.
- Or the not-next player might expose just as next-in-line is verbalizing a claim. (In this case, the tile goes to next-in-line.)
- The 2018 rulebook says that a call for a discard must be verbalized. From this rule, it follows that a slam-exposer must not act without first verbalizing, and only if the next-in-line has not verbally called for the discard.
- The discard must be taken to form or complete the exposure. The 2023 newsletter says the claimed discard must be placed onto the rack, and the 2020 rulebook says it's "preferable" that this happen before exposing from the rack.
- In most cases, when one person speaks and another one not only speaks but also takes action, the one who made the action holds sway. Maybe I've been worrying too much about aggressive players using slam-exposing as a tactic.
Update: Ms. Unger's sons, Larry and David, restated the League's stance on aggressive play like slam-exposing, in the 2020 newsletter: "Slamming tiles or racing to put up an exposure is poor sportsmanship, not supported by the League."
Q: What if the player who took the tile for mah-jongg turns out to have been in error, and now she's dead? Does the other claimant get to take the tile now?
A: It depends. If both players wanted the tile for mah-jongg, then yes. The second claimant takes the tile to win. But if the second claimant wanted the tile for exposure, no. She may not have it; it stays in the dead hand.
A: When one player claims a discard for exposure, and another claims it for mah-jongg, the player who needs it for mah-jongg takes priority. New, 2020: even if another player has begun to expose tiles, the mahj claim takes priority.
A: The principle described in FAQ 19-H2 applies.
A: It depends. If both players wanted the tile for mah-jongg, then yes. The second claimant takes the tile to win. But if the second claimant wanted the tile for exposure, no. She may not have it; it stays in the dead hand.
Thank you!
A: Here is the Tom Sloper philosophy of how to interpret the card:
Normally, if a hand is shown in two colors, the hand must be made in two suits (any two suits). When it's shown in three colors (excepting flowers or winds*), then the hand must be made in three suits, in any combination (see 19.BY).
All groups of one color must be the same suit (any same suit).
*Note that flowers and winds are always shown in blue - if the card was printed in four ink colors, they would be black, but three colors cost less to print.
A: Tournament rules are stricter than home rules. Every tournament establishes their own rules. Some tournament organizers say that you are dead if you put the taken discard into your hand instead of putting it atop your rack.
NMJL rules are found in the rulebook, Mah Jongg Made Easy, and in the League's yearly newsletters. The 2023 newsletter states that the taken discard must be placed atop the rack, not among the concealed tiles. But the League says there is no penalty for putting the claimed discard in the hand before placing it on the rack.
For further reading:
RDWW Errata - p. 54 (rule 66b), pp. 100-101
NMJL - p. 14. Also January 2024 newsletter, rule 11.
* (A "natural" tile is a non-joker tile; the League also uses the term "symbol tile.")
So when you go maj, it is perfectly OK to have a pung, kong, quint, or sextet that is nothing but jokers (containing no natural tiles at all).
For further reading:
MJME2013: p. 20 rule 10. MJME2020: p.23 rule 12. Also 2006, 2015 newsletters.
RDWW - p. 57 (rule 82), p. 90
- FIRST you have to make the exposure (put up the complete set).
- THEN (and ONLY then) can you redeem jokers.
Parallel example: You can't go to the store and say "I'll buy this with the $13.45 in my purse, then I'll go to the bank and come back right away and pay you the remaining $27.89." You have to have ALL the cash on hand when you buy something. Same thing with making an exposure. You have to have the necessary other tiles to complete the exposure, BEFORE you may claim a discard to make the exposure.
There's no such thing as a "future joker."
So: Since you cannot take the discard, you can do the next best thing - you can sigh or moan or kvetch or shoot daggers with your eyes at the person who discarded that tile you badly desire but cannot have. That's pretty much all you're able to do at that point. But hey, kvetching is part of the fun of mah-jongg, right? (^_^)
Column 497 (example situation 1)
Column 580 (example situation 2)
RDWW - p. 58 (rules 86a & c), p. 91
NMJL - MJME2020 p. 23, and 2006, 2009, 2012, 2016 newsletters
A: Yes, you may. It says "any and all exposures" on the back of the NMJL card. And you do not need to verbalize the exchange, sayeth the League (in writing, per a Sept. 12, 2022, email from Judi Nachenberg on the Q&A board). You only need to verbalize an exchange from someone else's rack, not your own (see rule 14 on page 23 of MJME2020).
A: If the error is spotted before the redeemer discards, no problem - just fix it. But once the redeemer has discarded, the incorrect tile remains atop the rack. The player who has the incorrect exposure atop their rack is dead. No penalty to the redeemer who gave the dead player the wrong tile in exchange for the joker. It's every player's responsibility to have no illegal exposures atop their own rack.
MJME2020 p. 20 rule 14, MJME2023 p.19 rule 15 (c), January 2024 newsletter, rule 10.
An incorrect exposure makes the player's hand dead.
A: Yes. You are permitted to redeem multiple jokers (from any number of racks) during your turn (after taking a 14th tile into the hand, either by picking or calling - and before discarding). You can redeem as many as 8 jokers (since there are no more than 8 jokers in the mah-jongg set) in one turn! It's legal! Unlikely, perhaps, but permissible.
For further reading:
RDWW - p. 58 (rule 86e), p. 91
NMJL - p.21 (2018 ed.), p. 24 (2020 ed.) 2007, 2015 newsletters
A: No. Redeeming a joker is not the same as claiming a discard - you are not required to make an exposure when redeeming a joker. So of course you can redeem a joker if your hand is marked "C" (concealed) on the card. (By the way, have you also read answer AR below?)
For further reading:
RDWW - p. 58 (rule 86f), p. 91
A: When a dead player has jokers exposed on her rack, some of her jokers might be redeemable, and some might not, depending on whether the joker was exposed properly or not.
A: See FAQ 19-DG, below.
A: Beginners are often confused by the sequence of picking tiles from the wall, and also selecting tiles in turn. Players take turns in a counterclockwise manner (to the right), but tiles come off the wall in a clockwise manner (to the left).
Thank you!
A: I cannot answer any questions that arise from the use of illegal rules like "picking ahead" or "playing with a future." You are using an unofficial table rule, and you have to figure out the answers to questions arising from your table rule. Read FAQ 14. I have only seen two rulings from the League about this style of play: (1) rule #1 on the back of the NMJL card says, in all caps, "NO PICKING OR LOOKING AHEAD." That rule has been on the back of the National Mah Jongg League card since 1956! (2) In the January 2014 newsletter, the League said, "NO... The fourteenth tile does NOT belong to the Player picking only becomes their tile when it is their turn."
A: "Picking Ahead" (aka "Playing With A Future," sometimes called "Playing with 14 tiles") has been against the official NMJL rules since 1956. As far back as 1947, the yearly card said "No looking ahead." As I noted in FAQ 11H, the phrase "No picking or looking ahead" first appeared on the NMJL card in 1956, and it has stayed there ever since.
On October 15, 2015 I answered a bulletin board question from Barbara B, who needed convincing that there never had been any official rule permitting "futures." So I dug deeply into Viola Cecil's early rulebooks, "Maajh, The American Version of the Ancient Chinese Game" (1938) and "Maajh or Mah Chiang; 1940 Rules."
I also checked Dorothy S. Meyerson's 1946 rulebook, "That's It." Although I did find some odd wording in Cecil's books about the order of play, there was nothing that remotely suggested that a player could pick a tile from the wall before the start of her own turn. Picking the tile before your turn has always been, and still is, against the official rules. If you pick ahead in a tournament (if you pick from the wall during another player's turn -- before she has discarded), you'll be declared "dead."
A1: Before 1961, there were no jokers. Flowers were wild, and the number of flowers fluctuated between 8 and 24. Joker tiles were introduced into the American game in 1961. The number of flowers and jokers fluctuated for several years, finally stabilizing at 8F/8J ten years later, in the 1971-72 card. See answer AI below, and column 509 for more on this.
For further reading:
RDWW - p. 14, pp. 92-93
A2: As far as I can tell by checking the old NMJL cards in my collection, the rule that jokers could not be used for singles or pairs may have been introduced in 1984. But if you want to know for sure when that rule was introduced, you could ask the League.
A: I don't have any hard facts on this, but I can make some educated guesses. From what I've been able to learn, some (but not all) of the founders of the NMJL were Jewish. Many of the women who joined the League and stayed with it and supported it were mainly Jewish women (or perhaps the Jewish acceptance of the game grew) throughout World War II. The League contributes a portion of its earnings to numerous charities (including Jewish charities).
It might have happened in China, when Jews left Russia during the 1917 revolution and migrated in large numbers to Shanghai and Hong Kong, or during the holocaust and diaspora of the 1930s and 1940s, when more Jews found refuge in China.
On August 2, 2016, I got an email from Karen D., who suggested that Jewish women played mah-jongg as an alternative to country club membership, since so many country clubs were restricted.
And, perhaps, as Bill H. suggested on Feb. 1, 2011, the Jewish/mah-jongg connection began on Manhattan's Lower East Side, where many Jewish folk lived near New York's Chinatown in the early 20th century. Right across the East River is Brooklyn. Even today, and even here in Los Angeles where I live, it's not unusual to hear Brooklyn accents among mah-jongg players. And, as Supreme Court Judge Elena Kagan famously noted, Jewish folk frequent Chinese restaurants, paralleling the Jewish/mah-jongg connection. Perhaps both predilections (Chinese food and mah-jongg) took hold in the Jewish community around the same time.
The modern American style of mah-jongg (regulated by a central organization who issues a yearly card) did not yet exist in the 1920s. It seems likely that the Jewish connection really took hold with the popularity of the NMJL in the late 1930s and into WWII.
Author Gregg Swain has looked into the Jewish Mah-Jongg connection. Her website is
For further reading:
RDWW - pp. 14-15
A: The majority of American players are female because the American game was designed by women, to be enjoyed by women. American mah-jongg is completely different from all other forms of mah-jongg because of changes that female players made in the game during the 1930s (and made official when the National Mah Jongg League was formed in 1937). The female players threw out "chows," restricted the hands to groups of similar tiles as listed on a card, changed the use of the flowers, and the NMJL issued a new card every year.
For further reading:
RDWW - p. 14
A: It used to be that daughters picked up the game from their mothers, but there was a gap during the 1960s. Daughters decided then that they'd rather burn their bras than play a game their mothers and grandmothers played. After those daughters grew up, had kids, and their kids left the "nest," then they needed something to do. So we're seeing a resurgence of the game among baby boomers. The majority of players of the American game do seem to be over 40, but a lot of thirtysomethings are picking up the game too. I guess the twentysomethings have lots of other things to do with their spare time, and don't see a good reason to socialize with the older generations.
For further reading:
RDWW - p. 15
2. What is "pie"?
3. How do we use these plastic "coin" things?
4. How does "betting" work?
5. What if the winner asks for less than she's due?
6. Can I claim a Bonus double with one joker in Quints? Can I claim a Bonus double in Singles & Pairs?
Here's another example: Alice discards red. Betty says "mahj." Betty shows her tiles, and it's a hand comprised of pungs, kongs, and/or quints, with or without pairs (it is not a hand from the singles and pairs section of the card), and it doesn't have any jokers. Betty announces her score. "It's a 25-point hand, and it's jokerless. So it's 50 cents all, but Alice owes me a dollar since she threw it." Charlene and Delores both pay 50¢, and Alice pays $1.00. If Esther bet on Betty, everybody (except Betty, of course) also pays Esther (exactly the same amount they each paid Betty) - for more on betting, see #4 below.
For further reading:
RDWW - p. 56 (rule 76b), p. 94
For further reading:
RDWW - p. 56 (rule 75), pp. 94-95
A: The winner is required to score her hand and tell each player how much to pay. The players are required to pay only what the winner asks for, unless the winner asks for too much and the non-winners dispute her claim. From the January 2014 newsletter:
NMJL - 2014
A: No. The bonus doubles your score only if you have no jokers, and your hand is not in the Singles & Pairs section of the card. The jokerless bonus does not apply in Quints. You have to use a joker in Quints; the difficulty is already factored into the score.
None of that matters. The name of the scoring attribute doesn't matter. The fact that a joker is required to make a quint doesn't matter. The difficulty of making the hand is pre-built into the score on the card. The (jokerless) Bonus cannot apply in Quints.
A: When you say "Chinese mah-jongg," I assume you mean "any kind of mah-jongg other than American." Because there are, in fact, around forty known mah-jongg variants - and more than a dozen Chinese variants! See FAQ 2B. Oh, and no. Those other variants are not harder to learn than American mah-jongg. American is the hardest to learn of them all. I should know - I've learned several variants.
For further reading:
RDWW - pp. 39-41, 127-129
A: No. There is no "hot wall" or "cold wall" or "pay for the party" rule in the official NMJL rules.
The official rules do not change when the wall reaches some arbitrary number. The last short wall in front of East is just "the wall" - there are no official special rules that suddenly kick in when the game comes down to the last short wall. Throwing to three exposures incurs a penalty in tournaments, but not in the official NMJL rules.
A: See above. These are not part of the official rules. "Cold wall" is a table rule that prohibits either discarding or calling a "hot tile." "Hot wall" is a table rule that penalizes discarding a "hot tile." The rules vary. The definition of "hot tile" and "safe tile" vary, depending on the table rule. In some table rules, the term "hot tiles"
(which has a strategic meaning - hot tiles are "tiles that another player clearly needs, or tiles that are otherwise dangerous to discard")
is also applied to those that come from the last short wall remaining in front of East, but there are various table rules (again: all unofficial).
A: It depends on whether the game is in progress or you have declared mah-jongg.
During play, experienced players don't need to see exposures to be shown in card order. It's standard practice to put exposures in order made (first one at player's left, next one to the right of that one, and so on), with spaces between each exposed grouping.
In fact, there is a good defensive reason for not displaying exposures in card order during play - while a newbie might wish to have the visual hint, the player who's exposed part of her hand wishes her opponents won't figure out exactly what hand she is making. Sometimes two exposures can be ambiguous, and that is an important part of mah-jongg strategy. So newbie players just have to "put up" with the fact that exposures are displayed in chronological order rather than card order.
Upon completion of the hand (having won), however, it is standard practice to organize the groupings in card order to aid the others in reading your winning hand. When declaring mah-jongg, just re-arrange your exposures the way they're arranged on the card. The 2018 rulebook even says the exposures should be re-arranged.
For further reading:
NMJL - paragraph 1, p.14
RDWW - p. 53 (rule 60e)
FAQ 19BM: How should exposures be oriented atop the rack?
A: In American mah-jongg, there is a rule that permits any player to call another player's hand "dead" at any time (a player does not have to wait for her turn to call someone dead).
A player may make such a "death challenge" based on a number of circumstances that make a player's hand dead:
A: If a player has erroneously issued a death challenge, or if a player has erroneously denied a death challenge (which can be determined at the end of the hand), the erring player must pay 50 cents (double the value of the cheapest hand on the card) to the other player.
A: No, and no. You are not supposed to call yourself dead. You are supposed to play defensively until someone else calls you dead (and this is the wisest course, strategically speaking). However, I sometimes wish someone would hurry up and call me dead so I could do something less frustrating, like go get something to nibble on for a minute. (So I sympathize with those who would want to call themselves dead.) Video game players have a term: "rage quitting" is when a player is frustrated and turns the game off or throws the game controller down and walks away. When I get frustrated in a mah-jongg game, I might sometimes think about making a really obviously wrong exposure so someone will call me dead so I can take a break and cool off. But I have never actually done that.
If you happen to blurt out that you are dead, you aren't officially dead unless other players can confirm that you are dead, based on tiles visible to all on the table. If the others can't see that you are dead, you keep playing.
1. When exactly is a tile racked?
2. Tapping the tile on the top of the rack counts as racking, doesn't it?
3. I was taught to pick and rack very quickly, but my friends complain that I don't give them enough time to claim a discard. Well, duh - I thought that was the whole idea! Why are they being such babies about it? This is a cutthroat game, right?
Q: Doesn't "racking" mean "bringing the tile behind the rack" or "tapping the tile on the rack"?
UPDATE, Dec. 4, 2024: In an undated letter from the NMJL to Ronda Brooks, and posted on Facebook November 26, 2024, the League adds that if the player's fingers are still holding onto the racked tile, it is not yet considered racked. So the corrected definition now is: "When the tile is seated on the sloping side of the rack, and the player's fingers have been taken off the tile."
A: No. "Racking" a tile means placing it on the sloping front of the rack. Period. This tapping idea probably resulted from a desire to make the game move quickly. Maybe someone who picked a tile, saw it was a joker, but had to put it back because somebody else called the most recent discard, wanted a faster way to "rack" the tile. Racking a tile closes the window of opportunity for another player to claim the current discard - tapping the tile on the rack is not racking it. Standing the tile on one's card is not racking it. But read FAQ 14...
*(The quote is in reference to "slam-exposing" to shut out a conflicting claim for a discard, but still apropos.)
Thank you!
A: No. Read the NMJL card. Zeros are suitless. That means zeros can be used with any suit.
A: Not after initially exposing and discarding, no. The time to add to (or subtract from) an exposure is before you redeem a joker or discard. Don't stop reading yet.
A: Yes. As I just said, the time to add to (or subtract from) an exposure is before you discard. For instance, if you claim a flower to make a kong, and you accidentally add a joker to it (making it a quint) and your targeted hand requires a kong, you can take the joker back - as long as you do it before you do anything else, like redeeming a joker or discarding.
A: Now you've asked Frequently Asked Question 19-AM. Click here.
A: No. A letter from the League dated 2/20/24 says no. You can amend the number of tiles but not the type of tiles.
A: The Charleston was a dance popular during the Roaring Twenties (when mah-jongg first became a craze). Imagine that you have a dance card with two names on it, and you're going to dance twice: first Charleston with RALph (Right-Across-Left), and the second Charleston with LARry (Left-Across-Right). The first dance is compulsory and the second dance is optional. If after you dance with RALph you decide that you've met "Mister Right," you don't have to dance with no stinking LARry! But if you start to dance with LARry, you have to do the whole dance. So there's just one brief moment during which you can stop the passing: after completing the first dance, and before beginning the second dance. The Charleston is a group dance (four people all participate). Anybody can choose to stop the dance, but only during that very brief interval between the first left and the second left.
**Note: If you stop the Charleston after the first dance, other players will probably get mad; it's a fact of life. But you don't owe them an explanation, even if they do get angry. The rules say you can stop the Charleston after the first dance, for any reason at all, or for no reason at all, and you do not have to say why. But I recommend that you do not stop the Charleston too often - if you make a habit of constantly stopping the Charleston nearly every hand, the other players are likely to ban you from their otherwise pleasant game. (It's up to you to draw a fine line between adhering to the rules and being reasonable and a fun playing companion.)
For further reading:
RDWW - p. 48 (rule 40), pp. 82-84
NMJL - p. 12, 2005
Answer AW (below).
- The first dance (R,A,L) is compulsory.
- The second dance (L,A,R) is optional; it can be stopped by any player; if it's stopped, all players must stop.
- The third dance (the courtesy) is optional on an individual basis; no player is required to exchange any tiles if she doesn't want to, but if two opposite players want to exchange they may do so, regardless of whether the other two are exchanging or not.
A: As you can read in the timeline in FAQ 11, the NMJL varied the number of flowers and jokers for several decades early in the league's history. People had to cobble together sets to make the number of flowers required. They'd even take whole sets, paste flower decals on all of them, and pass them around to their friends. Flower tiles often didn't match the rest of the set, so a whole schtick evolved called "planting flowers." There wasn't any mystery about which tiles in the wall were flowers, but they would place flowers at pre-arranged spots in the wall - and probably apportion a certain number of them to each player as part of the deal. See answer S above, and column 509, for more on this.
For further reading:
RDWW - p. 14, pp. 92-93
A: Here are three principles about how the card is to be interpreted:
For further reading:
RDWW - p. 46 (rule 30), pp. 73-81
A: No. Never. It means "pair ones and pung threes in one suit, kong fives in second suit, and pung sevens, pair nines in third suit." Always. The clarifying phrase "any 3 suits" is always unnecessary, in my opinion - precisely because the color-coding indicates the number of suits required, without being specific as to how the suits should be assigned. A three-color hand is always three suits, and the card never requires a specific suit be associated with a specific color. The absence of an unnecessary word or phrase does not have any significance whatsoever.
Q2: Can I make that hand with just any old number of suits?
A: No. Read the back of the card (the National Mah Jongg League card). 1 color means 1 suit. 2 colors means 2 suits. 3 colors means 3 suits.
Q3: Same question, as regarding consecutive numbers. There's no parenthetical saying "any nos." but can I use any numbers?
A: The hands in Consecutive Run are all "Any Consec. Nos.," except the top hand, which is "These Nos. Only."
Read 19AJ (above) carefully. In all sections outside of Consecutive Run, when there is no parenthetical saying "any nos." then the indicated numbers must be used.
For further reading:
RDWW - p. 46 (rule 30), pp. 73-81
A: No. You may not.
For further reading:
RDWW - p. 58 (rule 86g), p. 91
NMJL - p. 20 (rule 7) - in the 2018 edition: p. 21 (rule 7) - in the 2020 edition: p. 23 (rule 7).
2. Can she change her mind about taking a discard?
3. Can I change my mind about discarding a tile?
4. Can he change his mind about redeeming a joker?
5. She said mah-jongg, then she said "no, wait."
A: Before I answer those "change of heart" questions, I need to say something about etiquette and table rules. Please bear with me. I will answer those four questions right after this.
Exception: if the wall tile was taken out of turn or from the wrong part of the wall (which would normally incur a death penalty, per FAQ 19.AA), and the tile has not yet been racked, then and only then can the tile be put back on the wall where it came from.
For further reading:
RDWW - p. 65 (rule 110), p. 99
NMJL - 2005, 2006, 2007, 2012, 2018.4,
with exception stated in 2022.6
For further reading:
RDWW - p. 65 (rule 111), p. 100
MJME2023 - p. 18, rule 13.
The Mah-Jongg Q&A BB March 2, 2015
A: See FAQ 19-AF.
For further reading:
RDWW - p. 65 (rule 109), p. 99
MJME2023 - p. 17 (rule 4).
Column 499
* (See FAQs 19-CF and 19-CG.)
If you say "mahj" on a discard, and put up one exposure and then realize you don't actually have mahj, then you aren't necessarily dead.
Of course, you have to amend what you said. "Not mahj, but call," or words to that effect.
If you have just the one new exposure atop your rack, and it's ambiguous (the exposure can be part of a valid exposed hand), then you're not dead.
2020 NMJL newsletter, answer #10. MJME2023 p.20, rule 3.
Thank you!
A: Yes, somebody always pays double. There are only two ways you can win: by discard or by self-pick. If you take a discard to win, the discarder always pays double. If you pick it yourself, everybody always pays double. If you win by redeeming a joker, you picked it yourself (everybody pays you double) - nobody "gave" you the joker (nobody discarded it - you TOOK it, with a tile you picked yourself). If you hold onto a redeemable tile in the hand and use it to obtain a joker as your winning move to score double from everyone, that's called a "finesse" play.
For further reading:
RDWW - p. 55 (rules 72, 73), p. 58 (rule 88), pp. 93-94
NMJL - back of card,
and January newsletters of 2006, 2007, 2009.
Unsure which tile is "the" tile that gave her mah-jongg? Read FAQ 19BO, below.
Or - the card says "Kong 8s," does that mean I cannot use a joker?
A: No. It means you can't make that pung or kong from any number other than the specified number. Some parentheticals permit using "kong any even number," or "pungs of 3, 6, or 9," and the card designers deemed it necessary to clearly state that only a particular number could be used in hands not permitting multiple possible numbers. Jokers are permitted to be used in ANY pung, kong, quint, or sextet on the card. You know what "any" means - and now you know what "only" means.
For further reading:
RDWW - p. 47 (rule 34), p. 78
A: Because it's the rule. (2021) Isn't that reason enough to roll the dice?
It's actually very easy to cheat using your method.
The Chinese created mah-jongg as primarily a gambling game, so cheating prevention measures are necessary. When you know you're going to be dealing, all you have to do is put desirable tiles at the right end of the wall. In the modern American game, the most desirable tiles are jokers. Analogous to having a non-East cut the deck of playing cards, the use of dice to determine where the wall will be broken prevents one form of cheating.
The practice of rolling dice was not created so there could be "hot walls" or "lukewarm walls" or "superfrigid walls" or anything of the sort (wall "temperature" is not recognized by the official rules - see FAQ 19Y, above). Rolling dice exists solely as a cheating prevention measure. And because it's a rule, you should roll dice regardless of the reason for the rule's existence.
For further reading:
Column #403
RDWW - p. 120
NMJL - p. 9, 2021
A: Concealed means "all concealed, win by discard permitted." And Exposed means "exposures are permitted."
Whereas a Concealed hand must not be exposed prior to declaring mah-jongg, the player is permitted to make melds (exposures) from discarded tiles while the hand is in play if her hand is marked X on the card.
A Concealed hand (C) must be displayed all at once when declaring mah-jongg, but an Exposed hand (X) may be displayed piecemeal.
A: Yes. If the hand has pungs or kongs, of course jokers may be used in those pungs or kongs. The only hands that may never contain jokers are, of course, hands that have no pungs, kongs, quints... in other words, hands that are made of singles and pairs only. (By the way, have you also read entry O above?)
A: Read FAQ 13A and column 532.
A: Yes. Read FAQ 19C (above) and More about the Window Of Opportunity (below) and Column #458. You have to put it back on the wall, if you have not yet racked the tile, or if you have not yet discarded it (you have not yet touched it to the discard floor, you have not yet said its name in full), or if you have not exchanged it for a joker, or if you have not yet declared mah-jongg. You put it right back where you got it, on the end of the wall, for the next player to take.
Q: Even if I saw the tile?
A: Even if it's Sunday, even if the moon is full, even if you're playing by candlelight. You may have seen the tile, yes - but you have not yet racked, discarded, or exchanged it, so it goes back for the next player to take. The rule has been stated, without qualifying exceptions. It shouldn't be necessary for the rulebook to have to give 20 "even ifs."
A: "Like" means "similar." It means that the pungs must be alike. They must be of the same number value. The color coding probably tells whether the pungs must be the same suit or different suits.
For further reading:
Google it
A: Read FAQ 16 (click here).
A: Firstly: no.
Secondly: it's not called "stealing." It's called the "blind pass." It doesn't make any sense whatsoever to call it "stealing," because you're not keeping the tile(s), and the name "blind pass" should be self-explanatory. (See... it's not called the "peek pass.")
Read my column 353.
A: This isn't a rules question - it's a question of strategy or etiquette.
- In the case of exposures (on the horizontal top of the rack), it's a matter of etiquette to put the jokers embedded within the exposure, so all other players can easily see which exposure a joker belongs to. The goal is to maximize harmony.
- Within the hand (on the sloping front of the rack), it's a matter of strategy. You should place the jokers in a place where you can most easily imagine them used in any of the possible places in the hand. Other players couldn't care less where you place them, since they can't see them anyway.
- In the case of exposures (on the horizontal top of the rack), it's a matter of etiquette to put spaces between your exposures, so all other players can easily see what your exposures are. The goal is to maximize harmony.
- Within the hand (on the sloping front of the rack), it's a matter of strategy to keep your tiles all together, without any spaces. If you put spaces between your groupings, other players can deduce clues as to what you're doing and how close you might be to making mah-jongg.
What if someone wants the One Bam? After the discarder corrects her error and says "One Bam," the other player can claim the discard.
But, what if someone wanted a flower, and that's what the discarder mistakenly said? Remember, many players foolishly play with just their ears and not also their eyes. Discarder said "Flower," and I need a flower, and so I call for it, but then after I've started to expose, I see that it's actually a One Bam! Now what?
Read on!
Errors resulting from misnamed discard: (1) For mah-jongg; (2) For exposure only. (3) For exposure, but after the window of opportunity was closed; (4) For mah-jongg, after the window of opportunity was closed.
A1: The hand is over. The misnamer must pay four times the value of the hand to the player who wanted the tile for mah-jongg. No other players need pay. Deal and play the next hand.
For further reading:
RDWW - p. 61, rule 95; p. 97
NMJL - back of the card (middle pane, 1st section, "MISCALLED TILE"). MJME2020: P. 19, rule 6. MJME2023: P. 16, rule 3.
A2: No penalty to the misnamer. Misnamer must speak the correct name of the discarded tile. Once the discard is correctly named, play continues normally - the correctly named discard may be claimed for exposure or for mah-jongg.
A3: Too bad for the player who wanted the tile for exposure. It was not only the misnamer who erred; every player who never bothered to look at the discard also erred, including the player who wanted the actual tile for exposure. It is every player's responsibility to keep her eyes open, not only her ears. No penalty to the misnamer; game continues. See also FAQ 9 for some general principles about how to handle errors.
A4: Once the misnamed discard has been covered by a subsequent discard, it is too late for anyone to claim the misnamed discard. A player who realizes that she has missed the chance to call her mahj tile should not reveal this fact to the other players. If she does blurt that information, she's alerting the other players to what she needs. It is every player's responsibility to keep her eyes open, not only her ears.
A: You get to decide that for yourself. It's a table rule. Some players permit seven pairs of anything. Some players say the hand can only be made if the player never had a joker in the hand. Some players also say flowers invalidate the atomic hand. Some players say the player has to declare "atomic" (or an equivalent announcement) when going for the hand, and declare "nuclear-free zone" (or words to that effect) when the hand becomes void due to having picked a joker or flower. You and your group get to figure out those details and how much the hand is worth, if you and your group want to use the table rule at all. Read FAQ 14.
For further reading:
RDWW - p. 230 (glossary).
A: First, have a talk with the other players. Make sure you have their support in talking to the slow player. Then at the beginning of your next session, talk to your slow player.
- Tell her that the time for thinking is during other people's turns. Before she picks from the wall, she should decide what she's going to discard next - nine times out of ten, that won't be changed by what she picks. (There is that one time out of ten, and that happens to everybody.)
- Buy her my book. On page 109, highlight the line, "Keep the game moving!" On page 110, highlight the italicized sentence, "It is more important to avoid disruption of the game than it is to win." Put sticky notes on those pages so they stick out of the book. Write something nice on the notes, like "We love you dearly and we want to keep playing with you!"
- Print FAQ 9 for her, highlight the parts about keeping people waiting, harmony being important, and frame it for her.
- Use the Marge Simpson "gentle nagging" approach. After she's picked a tile, about 15 seconds after her thinking and producing smoke out of her ears, start saying, "please discard. Please discard. Please discard. Please discard..." Say it in a very soft, gentle, sweet voice.
- Get one of those little sand timers (I see that has them for 8 seconds, 10 seconds, 30 seconds...) and turn it over every time she picks a tile. When the time is up, make her throw a tile, any tile.
- Give her 30 days notice, she has to pick up her speed or she's out.
- If you can't have a talk with her, then I can't help you. The only way to improve the situation is to talk to her.
- If after a month or a year with all of you urging her to speed up and pay attention, she still can't see anything beyond her card and she still plays slowly, there's nothing more I can offer you. She is what she is. Take her or leave her. There are other fish in the sea.
For further reading:
RDWW - pp. 109, 110
Column #375
A: Here's how the NMJL says it's done: "Original East" is called "Pivot." Play a round. (A round is when the deal moves all around the table.) Then just before pivot's turn to deal again, she switches seats with the player on the right, taking the dice with her (note: this rule is new, per the January 2017 newsletter). Every time the deal comes back to Pivot, repeat the process (Pivot switches seats with player on right). This mixes up the order of play.
A: Wrong. They do have numbers and letters. It's just that they're Chinese numbers and letters.
一萬 (10,000), 二萬 (20,000), 三萬 (30,000), 四萬 (40,000), 五萬 (50,000), 六萬 (60,000), 七萬 (70,000), 八萬 (80,000), 九萬 (90,000).
東 (east), 南 (south), 西 (west), 北 (north), 發 (fa = "fortune"), 中 (chung = "center").
A: (1) Yes. (2) Yes.
A: You know what "matching dragons" are, because that's explained on the back of the NMJL card. Check the color-coding on the hand you're asking about. It's not shown in one color. You know what multiple colors means, since that's explained on the back of the card too. So therefore, you know you shouldn't be using "matching dragons" with this hand. You should be using... "opposing dragons" ...instead. "Opposing dragons" (or "opposite dragons") means "NOT-matching dragons."
A: You know it's against the rules to pass a joker in the Charleston. It's also against the rules to receive a joker in the Charleston. Give it back to her immediately, and tell her "I can't take this. It's against the rules." (Say that loudly enough that everyone can hear. Nobody in that group will ever pass you one again.) There are good reasons why you shouldn't accept it -- all kinds of bad things could happen to you should you listen to that devil on your shoulder. I wrote about those bad things on the Mah Jongg Q&A bulletin board on
April 7, 2009.
A: It's unfortunate, but she used the word "tile" when she should have used the word "suit." All she's saying is that winds and flowers (like zeroes) are "suitless."
For further reading:
RDWW - p. 239
Elaine Sandberg's book - page 123 explains it better than page 33
A: No. As of 2018, the official rulebook specifically says no. Besides, how would you deal with the fact that zeroes are suitless? If you use zeroes as "any suit," the difficulty of the hand is lessened significantly. The use of white dragons as zeroes is the solution to the League's problem "how do we make a year that has a zero in it?" It's also conceivable that the League might make a hand that uses tens or something, like:
It's really only when you see a "0" on the card that the League intends for anyone to use a white dragon as zero. You can't make up consecutive runs with zeroes. And you can't use zero when the card calls for "any number." And you may not come up with other creative ways to use zero, other than zeroes that you see printed on the card.
Source: MJME (2020 ed.), p. 30
A: There is no written rule stating that you mustn't look at your tiles during the deal.
That said, though, there's a good reason for not looking at your tiles during the deal. If there's any kind of error during the deal (heaven forbid), having looked at the tiles could well cause a disturbance in the harmony. Someone might resent the fact that tiles from the wall -- or tiles that were supposed to go to someone else -- had been seen.
So, whether it's a hard and fast rule or not, I recommend not looking at the tiles until the deal is completed successfully.
Unless you are playing with a "hurry up and play" kind of group, that is. If everybody else is looking at their tiles during the deal, then they're probably gonna want you to hurry up and get with the program.
A: Ah, yes, "Heavenly Hand" and "Earthly Hand." If you're East, and you're dealt a complete hand before the Charleston begins, just declare mah-jongg (there will be no Charleston). Heavenly Hand is valued the same as a self-picked mah-jongg (everyone pays East double value of her hand).
Heavenly Hand is the sole exception to the standard Charleston rules; if you have a complete during the Charleston, that's a bit more complicated. See column #666.
A: That's "Earthly Hand." It's considered self-pick, and everyone pays you double. (2020)
Source: MJME (2020 ed.), p. 14
Thank you!
A: When you can't find a rule in writing anywhere, that usually means it's not a rule! You can ask me your question, though. (Just saying.)
(1) We have a player who picks a tile, then discards a tile without ever putting the picked tile on her rack. Is she allowed to do that? Aren't we always required to rack the tile after picking it?
(2) We have a player who doesn't put the tile on the sloping front of the rack right after picking; she stands it on her card while she thinks about what to discard; is she allowed to do that?
(3) I like to stand some of my tiles on my card; another player complained; am I allowed to do that?
A.2. She's not permitted to put her tile on her card. She can hold it in her hand or rack it or declare mah-jongg or redeem it for a joker or discard it. The League ruled in a yearly newsletter that it's not permitted to put it on the card.
A.3. There might not be a rule that says you can't put your own concealed tiles on your card. But it's a discouraged practice. If you're a raw beginner and you find the tiles confusing, a recommended tip is to play a free mah-jongg tile-matching game on your mobile device or computer - it aids greatly in spotting tiles among a jumble of tiles.
A: There is no rule governing this. Some players orient an exposure so it looks readable from the player's own point of view -- some players orient an exposure so it looks readable from the opposite player's point of view. Whichever one you think best. Unless sight-impaired, players are expected to be able to read tiles atop another player's rack without needing any specific orientation.
And of course, you must have gaps between your exposed sets.
See also
FAQ 19Z: Must exposures be in card order?
A: No. I have frequently heard from confused players who say they got conflicting rulings when phoning the League. I assume there was just a miscommunication - the folks at the League do know the rules (they made them!), and they're very nice, but you should send your question in writing, in order to get the answer in writing.
There are six chances to get the information all screwed up, when you ask rule questions on the phone:
Besides, a phoned answer can be shared online only if you transcribe the answer yourself (which amounts to hearsay), but with a letter, you can photograph the reply and share it with the rest of us for a public definitive answer to the question.
A: Win by joker redemption is considered self-pick.
When a redeemed joker fills the last remaining place in the hand, all non-winners pay the winner double (see FAQ 19AN, above).
A: The player who made the erroneous mahj call made a play. That means she took a turn. So, even though it was an abnormal play or turn, and all she accomplished was to kill herself, the play now devolves to the player seated to her right. Just like with a normal play or turn.
A: That's a very confusing way of saying that you "pick ahead" or that you "play with a future tile." The way it's supposed to work (in the official rules) is that each player normally holds 13 tiles while the other players are playing, and she gets a 14th tile during her turn. If you're playing that you normally hold 14 tiles, but discard one during your turn, then you're picking ahead. Read FAQ 19R, and read the back of your NMJL card (see rule #1).
A: The National Mah Jongg League hasn't codified tournament rules, so tournament organizers set their own. Tournament rules can vary. So I may not be able to tell you how a particular situation would be ruled in a tournament. When you have a ruling question in a tournament, see the tournament rules, or ask the tournament judge for a ruling.
A: Read Column #534. The "I.O.U." concept described in the column is also described on page 13 of the 2020 and 2023 editions of the official NMJL rulebook.
A: I don't know what it "means." I can't know without seeing your group play. The fact that you're asking this may be an indication that your group recently learned the game (experienced players usually take wall games in stride), or that your group has advanced to a higher level where all players have become equally skilled in defensive playing.
The vagaries of chance can sometimes result in a larger than usual number of wall games for a time. It may be that new groups get into a wall game phase as part of the growth process; just play on, and let the game settle into its natural rhythms. Experienced players also get wall games - if a lot of wall games, it may just mean that the players are equally skilled and yes, are playing defensively.
Addendum 1 - Going back through my newsletters, I found this from 1997. Ruth Unger (then President) opined that wall games are caused by players "dogging" (discarding needed tiles out of a conviction that another player was about to win) too early in the game. "If a player has exposed part of their hand very early in the game, it is not always a fact that the player is set for Mah Jongg."
Addendum 2, July 29, 2017 - Several readers have reported an unusual number of wall games with the 2017 card. If Ruth Unger's theory is correct, there may be a design imbalance in the 2017 card.
If players are dogging more with the 2017 card, then it might mean that opponents' exposures are convincing players that they'd better play safe. Or it might mean that exposures can go too many ways. I don't know yet exactly what it might be. I wrote column 684 in response to that issue.
Addendum 3, July 2024 - Another hypothesis for a lot of wall games is that the players have reached "the Nash Equilibrium," a result of the players having developed strategies and patterns of play and counterstrategies, and "when no player of a game would benefit by deviating from their chosen strategy (assuming others don’t deviate from theirs)." - Scientific American, July 16, 2024
A: I have no idea. You would have to ask the League. Their contact information is printed on the card.
A: No, of course not. Don't be silly! Start using it as soon as everyone at the table has the new card.
A: It depends on how the players went dead. Did one or more players declare mahj in error? Did somebody throw in the hand or destroy the wall before verifying that the mahj was erroneous?
Rule (b): One player declares mahj in error, another throws in the hand. Two players continue playing. If one of them declares mahj in error, that player pays the survivor double the value of the hand the survivor was attempting.
Rule (c): One player declares mahj in error, and two players throw in the hand. The erring declarer pays the survivor double the value of the hand the erring declarer was attempting.
Rule (d): One player declares mahj in error, and a player destroys the wall before it's realized that the mahj was erroneous. Wall destroyer pays 25¢ to the two surviving players.
Rule (e): If the three players went dead by any other means, then the survivor throws in her hand (nobody gets paid). Shuffle, deal (next East takes over), and play another hand.
And for further reading:
RDWW - p. 60, p. 62
MJME2020 - p. 17, p. 19. MJME2023 - p. 17, p. 22. Also back of the card and the 2006 bulletin.
A: When a wall tile is accidentally exposed, it's just too darn bad, but it goes right back where it was. Once the wall is built, whenever something happens to the wall, best efforts must be made to preserve the original order of tiles in the wall, regardless of how much information was revealed to any players.
Read the back of the National Mah Jongg League card. Left pane, just beneath where it says "STANDARD BASED ON EIGHT FLOWERS AND EIGHT JOKERS" (1st and 2nd lines). It says, "1 color—any 1 suit; 2 colors—any 2 suits; 3 colors—3 suits." "Any" means "any."
Red does not necessarily mean craks must be used; green does not necessarily mean bams. In a 2-color hand, red means "suit 1" and green means "suit 2." When a tile grouping (such as "111") is the same color as another tile grouping (such as "222"), then you have to make those two groupings in the same suit.
A: The color is meaningless. It's a zero. Zeroes are explained on the front of the card, right up there at the top (use white dragon, also called "soap"). I suppose the thinking is that since zeroes are suitless, they "go with" any suit, so zeroes can be printed in any color.
A: No. East (also sometimes called "dealer" but that's misleading) rolls the dice to determine where the wall is to be broken, and serves out the first wall. After that, each player takes her own tiles (starting with East herself).
Also read FAQ 19-CG.
A: In Chinese mah-jongg, the numbers correspond to the seat positions of the players seated around the table. At the end of a hand, flowers add to the score depending on whether the number on the flower corresponds to your seat position. If East has flower #1, he gets extra score. If South has flower #2, he gets extra score, and so on. If you're reading this, you play American mah-jongg (not Chinese), so you don't need to know this!
A: It depends on how the two players went dead. Two players going dead in a 3P game is the same thing as three going dead in a regular 4P game. Read FAQ 19-BW, above.
A: There are two ways to find out if a rule is a table rule or an official rule:
Look in the rulebook (if the rule isn't in there, it probably isn't a rule - see
FAQ 19-BK). Every player owes it to herself, and to every player she plays with, to read the actual rules. Every player really should have a copy of Mah Jongg Made Easy,
the official NMJL rulebook (and/or my book, The Red Dragon & The West Wind).
Mah Jongg Made Easy is the official rulebook
of the National Mah Jongg League
(I lied when I said there were two ways.) It's very likely that others have already asked me about that rule, and I've answered it somewhere here in FAQ 19. To find it among the dozens of frequently asked questions here, you can scan the categories and the index of questions atop this page, or you can search this page for key words.
You can also ask me. The answer will be posted on the Mah-Jongg Q&A Bulletin Board.
As long as you're reading, please also read
Frequently Asked Question 14 so you understand the rule about house rules / table rules.
A: In brief: There's no official rule, but it's her rack, and her rule. No touchee!
There's no written rule against touching someone else's rack (to redeem a joker, or to give her a discard she called for, or for any other purpose). There's also no rule permitting it. There's also no written rule against standing on your head and loudly singing Lady Gaga's "Poker Face" while playing -- but common sense and common courtesy must come into play when something is not prohibited by a written rule. Some people play casually and for fun - but some people play the game very competitively, and are highly protective of their tiles. Just accept that it is a bad idea to touch another player's rack. If you were playing cards, you wouldn't touch a card being held in another player's fingers - think of the rack as the same thing. Don't take a tile from it, and don't put a tile on it.
The most polite way of redeeming a joker is to hold your tile in the palm of your hand, extend it to the player with the joker, and ask her for the joker.
Update, 2020: the League now "recommends" that a planer never touch another player's [on-the-rack] tiles. MJME2020: Page 23, item 14. MJME2023: page 24, item 13.
A: In brief: There's no official rule, but it's her tile, and her rule. No touchee!
There's no written rule against touching someone else's tile. There's also no written rule permitting it. Many players do not want someone else to touch their tiles. And that's reasonable and understandable, if you consider that the act allows the possibility of a sleight-of-hand substitution, a bad tile for a good one. If you want to do someone a favor and hand her a tile, maybe you should ask first: "Want me to hand it to you?"
Update, 2020: the League now "recommends" that a planer never touch another player's tiles. MJME2020: Page 23, item 14. MJME2023: page 24, item 13.
A: They don't go anywhere. They stay right where they were. It's the left part of the wall that moves - East "serves" the wall.
The rack is in the way, making it difficult to break the wall cleanly, so you pull the rack back away from the wall (image below).
Put your right hand on the rack at Z, and push out with your right hand.
Thank you!
A: Forty-two. By the way, have you ever read Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide To the Galaxy? According to Adams, the answer to everything (including Life and The Universe) is also forty-two. Coincidence? I don't think so!
No, seriously, I have no idea.
First off, depending on what you're wondering about, the answer may depend on data that's impossible to collect. (See
FAQ 23, for example.)
But mostly, I am not a mathematician or a statistician. I have never studied probabilities or combinatorics, and I have no desire to do so. The information you seek goes way beyond what I am able to offer here. And I doubt that any of my readers has done this sort of calculation, or she would have surely shared the information already. If someone wants to run the numbers based on the NMJL card, be advised that you would have to repeat the calculations every year when a new card comes out. I Googled "books on probability and statistics," and found these:
A: Yes. The 2013 edition of the official rulebook clearly states, "To claim a discard the player must verbalize their call..."
A: You stop playing.
A: No. You're dead. You stop playing.
A: Yes. If you were called dead for an erroneous exposure, or for something related to an exposure atop your rack, the tiles that were erroneously exposed must be returned to the sloping front of your rack.
A: Especially if there are jokers among them! Don't ask any more "even ifs." The rule has been stated, and there are no circumstances that void the rule or provide exceptions to the rule.
A: Everything can't always be about you. Other people are still playing, so you need to let them play without you distracting them. Dead people don't talk.
A: Theoretically, yes. But some players don't like it when someone looks over their shoulder. And you certainly shouldn't say anything about other players' tiles or strategies, and you shouldn't make any kind of sign that gives away any information to players who are still playing.
A: Yes.
A: Yes. Death is only for the duration of one hand.
A: The caller gets the tile.
A: If your set has blanks AND white dragons, then the blanks are for you to use to create replacements for lost tiles. If your set has blanks but no white dragons, then four of the blanks are your white dragons. This is explained in FAQ 7E (the "mystery tiles" FAQ).
A: You may rearrange your tiles and collect your winnings.
NMJL - 2019 newsletter
A: You don't have to be certified, and there is no certification program anyway.
Unfortunately, far too many people teach their made-up table rules as if they were real official rules.
If you are going to teach, I wish you would at least own an up-to-date copy of the League's official rulebook, Mah Jongg Made Easy (and read it cover to cover) before teaching. You should also own my book, The Red Dragon & The West Wind. And there are more books on American mah-jongg in FAQ 3. And read FAQ 26 for some tips on teaching mah-jongg.
A: There is no certification program. For a year or two in the early 2020s, there was the American Mah Jongg Instructors Association. But that's gone now.
A: Call her dead. See FAQ 19-AA. Exception: if, after the Charleston, someone other than East picks and discards the first tile, the game is thrown in and redealt. (MJME2023, p. 14, 9th bullet)
MJME2020 - P. 21, rule 19. MJME2023 - P. 19, rule 15.
A: I have no idea how to determine how much is luck and how much is skill in mah-jongg. The games of Chess and Go are 0% luck and 100% skill. But there are random elements in mah-jongg (the order of tiles in the wall, which hands players are going for, the dice roll). Is mah-jongg 70% luck and 30% skill? Is it 50% luck and 50% skill? Sixty-forty? 42-58? Who can know?
What about different variants? There's a higher luck ratio in Japanese mah-jongg than in American mah-jongg, by design (Japanese rules add more random elements to increase the payments). But what's the ratio in any mah-jongg variant? How would you even measure such a question?
All I can tell you is: the more experienced/skilled player will win more often than less experienced players, but even the most highly skilled players are subject to the vagaries of chance.
A: If a player, playing out of turn or from the wrong end of the wall, discards a tile and somebody wins on it, she pays the winner 4 times the value of the winner's hand, and nobody else pays. Also, If a player misnames her discard and another player wants the named tile for mah-jongg, the win is granted, the misnamer pays 4 times the value to the winner, and nobody else pays.
MJME2023: if someone pushed out the wrong wall and someone calls mah jongg while playing from the wrong wall, the one who pushed out that wall pays for everyone (i.e. 4x hand value).
If you've heard that there is a "pay for the party" rule for the last wall, you've heard a table rule (see FAQ 14). If you've heard that there is a "pay for the party" rule for throwing to 3 exposures, you've heard a tournament rule, not an official League rule.
MJME2020 - Rule 16, p. 21 and rule 22, p. 22
(rule is repeated). Also rule 21.c. on page 22.
MJME2023 - p. 19, rule 15.e and p. 20, rule 16.b.
A: Keep playing unless somebody calls you dead. If somebody calls you dead, see see FAQ 19.CK.
A: Because you're trying to make an illegal move, so the computer doesn't allow you to do that. Read Can I kong a 202x or a NEWS?
A: Maybe because it's a question about mah-jongg rules rather than a computer game - if so, your question would be listed elsewhere in the index of questions. For example, are you asking about the rules governing jokers? There's a category for that. Or about the rules governing claiming a discard for exposure, perhaps? Just browse the categories to see if your question is there. Maybe your answer is somewhere in this FAQ, but with the question worded unlike the way you are wording it. Or... Maybe it's because your question hasn't been asked frequently yet! Maybe YOUR question is unique! You can ask the question by
visiting the Q&A bulletin board and emailing me your question.
Because you're trying to make a serious blunder, and the computer has been programmed to prevent that.
Perhaps you misunderstand the symbols and parentheticals on the NMJL card, or perhaps you didn't notice that you've exposed a Concealed hand.
(If you are playing Japanese rules and were directed here by mistake, click this link for your answer.)
Every player should read the back of the NMJL card
every year. There may be changes, and many frequently
asked questions are answered on the card.
Every player owes it to the bots they play with to know
all these basic rules of the game. Bots have feelings, too.
Left: The League's official rulebook. Every online player should have an up-to-date copy!
I don't sell them, and I'm not paid to say this. Just sayin' it's important to have and read.
Right: And then there's my book, "The Red Dragon & The West Wind." - It's not bad, if I do say so myself.
The bots are depending on you to know the rules!
A: There are perhaps eight different ways, but here are two ways:
A: Command-shift-3 will save a snapshot of your entire screen to the desktop. I think there's also a way to capture just a portion (akin to Windows' snip tools). For more details, Google "how to capture a screenshot on mac".
A: I know how to do it on my 4-year-old old iPhone SE, but for all I know, newer iPhones might not even have a Home button. So my answer is: Google it!
A: I don't know. I'm an iPhone user. Google it! Google is your friend.
Q: Why even have a listing for the question if you're just going to say "Google it"?
A: Because I'm silly. I am a very silly person. Now you know my secret! Please don't tell anybody.
A: I mainly get like that when the person asks me how to do something in their game and never even says what game they're talking about, or what device they're playing on. When I worked as a videogame designer/producer I was happy enough to help people like that when they asked me how to do something in the games I designed and produced. But I don't have patience for questions that don't come with enough information so I can understand what's being asked of me. When I get a vague/unclear question, there's going to be a lot of back-and-forth while I try to pull the information out - been there, done that! If you're going to ask me a question about a mah-jongg app, just state:
(1) which mah-jongg app you play, (2) what device you play the game on, and (3) a clear question. I can post it on my bulletin board, where maybe another reader might write in with the answer to your question. (4) A screen shot is usually also necessary.
A: It depends on when this problem occurs.
- Before the Charleston: throw all tiles in and build new walls. (MJME2020: p. 19, rule 9)
- During the Charleston: throw all tiles in and build new walls. (January 2024 newsletter, rule 13)
- After the Charleston but before East has discarded the first tile: MJME2023 (p.14, bullet 8) says all players must throw in their tiles. But note an exception on p.17, rule 6:
if the player at East's left is holding 12 tiles, that player is permitted to take a 13th tile from the wall (see also MJME2020 p. 19 rule 9).
- After East has discarded: the player with erroneous tile count is dead. (MJME2020: p. 19, rule 10. MJME 2023: rule 7.a.)
MJME2020, MJME2023 = Mah Jongg Made Easy, 2020 or 2023 editions
A: No, just the opposite. "Dice" is the plural of "die." In mah-jongg we don't roll just one die, we roll two dice.
A: The dice move to the right (counterclockwise) from the previous East.
A: Yes. The hand earns the jokerless bonus if there are no jokers in it at the time of mahj declaration. One of the strategic implications of redeeming a joker is that you can make the other player jokerless, costing you more if that player wins.
A: There is no rule. It's normal to push aside the discards when serving a wall. Keep in mind that hands hovering in the discard floor can do mischief (a skilled hand might palm a strategic tile).
A: Yes. See the January 2023 newsletter from the League.
Sloper adds: If you know a player is dead, it would be unsportsmanlike behavior to refrain from calling them dead so that you can redeem their joker(s). If your action is discovered later, you may be subject to criticism, even called a "cheater." 'Nuff said.
NMJL - January 2023 Newsletter
A: Sorry, I don't have that card. Why don't you ask Marvelous Mahjongg? They have a Questions? page, and an email address. The site is (as one might expect).
A: It's a table rule somebody made up. I don't try very hard to learn details of different table rules people make up.
My friend Johni Levene came up with "super jokers," which can be used in singles and pairs, when she was playing with a particular set that had special tiles. Now that the idea has spread, she regrets it. In March, 2024, she posted: "I am so sorry but my intention was to make a fun way to use a single unique set. Oy, the power of social media."
A: No. In Japanese riichi and Chinese Competition majiang, it's customary to arrange and orient discards in an orderly fashion, but in American (NMJL) play, it's customary to place the discards haphazardly.
I have heard that some American teachers instruct their beginner students to place or orient discards in an orderly manner to facilitate viewing. But this practice is not to be encouraged beyond initial beginner lessons. Experienced players can scan a mixed-up jumble of tiles. And beginners need to acquire that skill.
A: There is a general principle in all forms of mah-jongg (not only American/NMJL rules) that mah-jongg claims outweigh other claims. This principle is behind exceptions to other rules.
In Asian mah-jongg, "pung trumps chow, and mah-jongg trumps everything."
In American mah-jongg, "When two people want the discard for the same thing, next in turn gets the tile. When two people want the discard for different things, mah-jongg trumps exposure."
I sometimes then found other times when saying "mah-jongg trumps everything" would mollify my students' confusion or dissatisfaction about a rule. For instance, why you can claim a discard for a single or pair for mahj. Because "mahj trumps everything."
Or why can a player win on a misnamed discard but cannot call it for exposure? Because "mahj trumps everything."
But does mah-jongg really trump everything? There must be times when a claim for mah-jongg has to be denied, due to some other rule. I'd welcome readers to write in with their own examples; now that I've talked about this, the next step is to make a list of trumping rules. Not just mahj trumps everything, but any rule that trumps another rule.
A: Here's how a turn works:
0. Either the player at your left discards and nobody calls the discard, or somebody discards a tile you can legally claim, you call it, and nobody outprioritizes your call (or you outprioritize theirs)...
1. Then, you begin your turn when either you pick the tile from the end of the wall, -or- you claim the discard and either expose a completed set with it, or declare mah-jongg and expose your hand...
2. Assuming you didn't declare mah-jongg or discard, you can redeem as many as eight jokers if you got'em...
3. Either you declare mah-jongg and expose your hand, or you discard a tile from your hand, ending your turn...
4. If you declared mah-jongg, now you tell the other players exactly how much they are to pay you. (If they can hear you over the post-mahj kvetching and showing and wall-tile-turning to find that elusive winning tile, that is.)
A: MJME2023 addresses this on page 20, rule 16. There are several scenarios covered.
a. If someone picks from the wrongly pushed-out wall, that player's hand is dead. Play continues on the wrong wall and then proceeds to the correct wall.
b. If someone calls mah jongg while a wrong wall is in play, the winner collects from the player who pushed out the wrong wall (that player "pays for the party"). See answer CR above.
c. If someone pushes out their wall before the previous wall was used up completely, AND someone picks from that newly pushed out wall, both players' hands are dead.
d. The rulebook doesn't say what happens if nobody picks from the wrong wall, but it's reasonable to assume that the wrong wall can be put back, no harm, no foul.
A: There is no such thing.
What we collectors do is laboriously, year after year, scour eBay and other auction sites waiting for old cards to come up for sale.
That said, I had an exchange with Judy H on August 17, 2023 (on the MJ Q&A Bulletin Board) about trends over time gleaned from my own collection of past cards (which definitely has gaps!). That bulletin board is constantly updated with new Q&As, so you may have to go to the bottom of the board to "go back in time" to an older iteration of the board. Some of the changes to NMJL rules are also tracked in FAQ 11h.
A: Three reasons: (1) The hand can't be made with that joker (maybe it's a Singles & Pairs hand). (2) To make the hand jokerless and double the score. (3) The hand can't be won and the joker is a safe discard.
A: No. It has a joker in it. So it's not jokerless.
A: None of that matters. The difficulty of making the hand is pre-built into the score on the card (in other words, "that's why the quint hands are valued high"). The (jokerless) Bonus cannot apply in Quints because that's part of the scoring system.
A: If a player begins his turn by picking, and sees that it is his mahj tile, and says "mah-jongg" before racking it, and before another player speaks a claim for the current live discard, the player who said "mah-jongg" wins. This is another case of "mahj trumps everything."
Thank you!
MORE About The Window of Opportunity - and Why Pickandrack is Not Nice
The tile is "down" the instant a discarded tile is either named... or it touches the table top, whichever happens first.
When the tile has been named or has touched the table top, the "window" opens. The discarded tile is available for claiming by another player. (And the discarder can no longer change her mind and take it back.)
The next player (the player to the right of the discarder) now reaches (ideally allowing other players a reasonable moment in which to claim the live discard), takes the next tile from the end of the wall, and looks at it. She cannot change her mind and put the tile back, but the window of opportunity is still open on the most recent discard. Her taking and looking at the picked tile did NOT close the window of opportunity on the live discard - anybody can still call it!
Any other player can claim the current discard right up until one of the following events occurs:
The next player racks her picked tile (putting it among the other tiles in her hand);
The next player, having picked from the wall, exchanges a tile for a joker atop someone's rack;
The next player discards her picked tile;
The next player declares mah-jongg with her newly picked tile.
Once any of the above has occurred, the window of opportunity CLOSES on the discarded tile we've been discussing. It's now too late for another player to claim that tile for exposure or for mah-jongg.
When a player picks and discards without racking (#2 above), the window of opportunity shuts resoundingly on one tile, and opens instantly on another, when she either fully names the newly discarded tile or it touches the table top, whichever happens first. Only the current discard is available for play. That old discarded tile is now "dead," and is considered "covered" by the new discarded tile.
>From: Donna <puffins
>Sent: Saturday, October 29, 2016 2:47 PM
>Subject: Simultaneous rack and call
>Got the answer today! It goes to the caller and that's the way it is in most tournaments. How do they expect people to know this, I wonder?
>Thank you,
That greatly simplifies the question. Time to update FAQ 19 and the RDWW errata!
May the tiles be with you.
Tom Sloper
湯姆 斯洛珀
Creator of the
Sloper On Mah-Jongg column and
the Mah-Jongg FAQs -- donations appreciated.
Author of "The Red Dragon & The West Wind," the definitive book on Mah-Jongg East & West.
Los Angeles, California, USA
October 29, 2016
From the Mah-Jongg Q&A bulletin board
>Email = brogal
>Comments = Continuing discussion about the "window of opportunity" re: discards
>It seems that it would be smart for a player picking from the wall to immediately rack the tile (in her hand)- & "close the window of opportunity" on the previously discarded tile, - & then discard that picked tile or another. True?
May the tiles be with you! - Tom
Tom Sloper
Los Angeles, CA
Date = March 13, 2004
>Email = msharpfl
>Date = January 11, 2005
>Comments = My question is really one of etiquette rather than rule, but I would like your suggestions on how to handle the situation and also if you think I have a legitimate point or if I'm wrong. I just started playing with two new players and one of them picks up a tile and puts it in her rack so fast after someone discards a tile that no one has time to call the discard. I decided that I would go about my complaint by discussing what I had learned from my instuctor rather than single her out. I told everyone that when I first started I thought it was smart to pick and rack a tile as quickly as I could so no one could call it, but my instructor said if you do that no one will want to play with you. She said it is correct Mah Jongg etiquette to allow a few seconds after the discard. Right after I said this the woman in question said "Oh No No No I pick up the tile and rack it just as quick as I can after the discard. I think she thinks this is playing defensively and to me!
> its not using your skill to Mah Jongg. We can't vote her out as we all belong to the country club were we play and she's determined to continue this part of play. I am considered to be a very good and quick player, but I can't keep up and other players that are a little slower are lost. I know we are supposed to avoid conflict, but I think this is really wrong, disruptive and takes the fun out of the game. If you agree maybe you could email me and I could talk to her again with some concrete opinions. Thank you, Michelle Sharp
I call this practice "pickandrack," and I wrote about it in FAQ 19 (above left).
Los Angeles, CA (USA)
1/11, 2005
Where I refer to a year, that's a yearly newsletter.
The newsletter references may just cite one year when the ruling was given, even if the ruling was printed in multiple yearly newsletters (if the League ruled in the 2007 newsletter, and also in the 2017 newsletter, then either date may be shown, or both may be shown).
Where I refer to a page number, that's a page number in the official NMJL rulebook, Mah Jongg Made Easy ("MJME") (note: some higher page numbers changed with the 2018 revision, and not all page references in this FAQ have been updated).
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But to get the story straight from the NMJL, go to and click the FAQs link.
Thank you!