JMPA Mah-Jongg Promotional Tour 2003

March 13 (Thursday) - Morris, Abe, and Kishimoto decide to rent a car. Sloper drives them to the rental office. The group splits up (the Japanese delegation go to see Little Tokyo, and Sloper returns to work at his home office.) In the evening, all four go to Little Tokyo to meet Ricky Shiraishi, owner of Sanctuary, a Japanese-style mah-jongg club. Morris and Kishimoto play Japanese mah-jongg, learning that the Sanctuary regulars enjoy a hot and heavy game with lots of bonuses.

Ricky is the one in the hat.

Morris had a great hand, but someone else went out first. As the Japanese say: zannen desu ne ("that's a shame, isn't it").

Abe makes a new friend - Ricky's miniature Doberman, Chibi.

Afterwards, at the karaoke bar, when asked to sing, Sloper begged off, claiming a sore throat. Partying continued into late night - Sloper bugged out a little after midnight (to nurse the sore throat).

Click the links to learn more about the Mah-Jongg Promotional Tour 2003

March 12 (Wednesday) - Click here.
March 13 (Thursday) -
March 14 (Friday) - Click here.
March 15 (Saturday) - Click here.
March 16 (Sunday) - Click here.
March 17 (Monday) - (No photos or story available at present time.)
March 18 (Tuesday) - (No photos or story available at present time.)
March 19 (Wednesday) - (No photos or story available at present time.)
March 20 (Thursday) - Click here
Photos of the touring Mah-Jongg championship players - Click here.
Photos of the 2002 World Championship - Click here.
Get your own copy of the championship official rule book! - Click here.
More photos of Sanctuary in Little Tokyo.