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By Tom Sloper
April 5, 2015

Column #633

American Mah Jongg (2015 NMJL card). Charleston exercises with the new card. Use the Four Step system. What would you pass? Each problem is a stand-alone (not dealt concurrently with any other deals shown).

1. First, check for pairs: there are three (5C 6B R). Are they friends: yes, all three pairs go together to make Consec. #4 (six tiles). Are there any other friends for that hand: no. What other friendships are there here? 5C and 6B go together with F to make Consec. #2 (five tiles); 5C and R go together with F to make Consec. #3 (five tiles). That's enough analysis; move everything else to the right (2C 2B 9B 6D E S), and choose three passers. The Charleston is about elimination.

2. Four pairs (very rare): F 1B E S. Are they all friends: no; 1B seems to be odd man out, six tiles towards W-D #2 (not counting the joker). What other options are there (what other friends)? You could keep soap, 5C, and one of each 1 for a possible 2015 #1; it looks like a lot, but you'd have no more than five usable tiles. Or combine the ones and five and soap and flowers, and muster seven tiles towards 2015 #2. Focus your efforts on 2015; pass 7D E R.

3. Three pairs again; F 2C soap. Those are all friends for 2015 #4 (seven tiles not counting J) and #5 (the same seven tiles), and for Evens #3 (six). Choose three to pass from 6C 3D 9D N. Keep the 3C for now.

4. No pairs. Any obvious friends? No (other than 6B 7B G). Count highs vs. lows: six highs, two lows. Odds vs. evens: six evens, two odds. You can pass 1D W and soap. Soap might give an opponent ideas, but offense has to take priority over defense in the Charleston.

5. Three flowers, two 1Cs; those are friends for Consec. #3 (five tiles), Odds #3 (six) and Sevens #1 (six); including other friends 7C and R. Pass 3B 9D W. The soap is expendable, but better to pass it later.

6. Three pairs: 3D 2B 4B. Those can go together for Consec. #4 (you'll need some soaps). But you could also go for Consec. #1 in bams (six tiles; you'll need a 5B pair). Also: Consec. #5 in bams and craks (only five tiles). All those leave 7D 9D and F in the cold. Some authors say "never pass a flower," but I say "never say never."

7. Odds #3 or 2015 #2; pass 3B 6D S.

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Need rules for American mah-jongg? Tom Sloper's book, The Red Dragon & The West Wind, is the most comprehensive book about the American game, including official rules not included in the official rulebook. AND see FAQ 19 for fine points of the American rules (and commonly misunderstood rules). AND get the official rulebook from the NMJL (see FAQ 3).

See Tom Sloper's interview at

Where to order the yearly NMJL card: Read FAQ 7i.

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